Photos from the year

Started by Bus 503, December 29, 2015, 09:54:18 PM

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Bus 503

Hello everyone, here are photos from the year.

My first bus photo for 2015 was Bus 503 in March

In April, the round-about intersecting Ellenbourogh Street and Maribynong Avenue was closed due to the Kaleen reducing speed management plan, so buses had to divert via Daintree Crescent. Of course, having a diversion to photograph was something I had to do so I walked down to Daintree and took a few photos there.

In May, I came across 493 at the City Canteen.

During June, Bus 566 was snapped slowly making its way down Alinga Street.

July came, with Bus 896 at City Canteen.

In August, 513 was waiting at the City Canteen.

Spring came, where Bus 572 left the City Canteen on this 732 often.

When October arrived, Bus 546 was sighted and snapped on Alinga Street.

And in November, well, 570.

The reason there are no photos for December are because I didn't take any then.

Hope you have a joyful New Year.

Bus 503  ^-^