Sylvan's Photos of 2018

Started by Sylvan Loves Buses, March 01, 2018, 03:33:47 PM

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Sylvan Loves Buses

Never thought I'd see this, must've been a mistake (there were no events on that day to require artics). Don't remember when this was taken though.

These are all yesterday (28th February)

539 and 588 at Woden


The rear of 525

621 and 525 together

621 front and back

And Fisher Terminus from 7th Feb


Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on March 01, 2018, 03:33:47 PM
Never thought I'd see this, must've been a mistake (there were no events on that day to require artics). Don't remember when this was taken though.

Not unusual to see them on weekends since the bike racks were installed on the artics, especially on the 300s. On a related note they still haven't updated bike rack availability for the artics on nxtbus.

Stan butler

Quote from: Busfanatic101 on March 01, 2018, 04:01:00 PM

Not unusual to see them on weekends since the bike racks were installed on the artics, especially on the 300s. On a related note they still haven't updated bike rack availability for the artics on nxtbus.

I heard that the reason some artics are out on the weekend is that because there are so many buses 'piled' up on the bricks and there are not many other buses available (since they don't run pr2s and 3s - and sometimes the blue buses on the weekends).   Hence the artics.

Stan butler

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on March 01, 2018, 03:33:47 PM
Never thought I'd see this, must've been a mistake (there were no events on that day to require artics). Don't remember when this was taken though.

These are all yesterday (28th February)

Photos at Woden on the 28th....hmm. I think I saw you.  Were you the guy in the crimson/reddish suit strolling around Woden interchange around 6ish on Wednesday?

Sylvan Loves Buses

Bright pink suit, yes.
<-- same style as the one in that photo

That's three bus enthusiasts in the same vicinity at the same time without any of them knowing of the other's presence, lol.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Gathered a few of my other recent photos together. I'll have to check my log book for the dates (I'll do it another time), cause my camera was just marking these down as January 1979 at least till I set the real date and time a few days ago - good one ::).

Anywho, sometime ago I took these photos of a bus stop that isn't in use anymore, yet still has noughties signs that haven't been removed. Passed by these by chance on my way to Dickson on a day I was gathering some terminus drawings.

Wakefield Ave near and far.

and, 946 exiting Tuggeranong Depot.

Sylvan Loves Buses

From yesterday outside the fence of T depot.

Here we go with 711 - looks really strange without the stickers on it. Doesn't even have its numbers.

and a wide shot with 119

607 passing by


Quote from: Busfanatic101 on April 10, 2018, 11:09:37 PMAnother incident today on Adelaide avenue.
Anyone know the bus involved

Nope, but I think I may know now.

Didn't see any signs of 652, and the workshop was wide open, so my guess is that it's probably at Belconnen.


I'm surprised the new delivery is painted in TC colours, I would've assumed they'd be plain white underneath and just have the decals added to it.

Anyone know if these are  staying on in the fleet once the trial is done or will go back to (BYD?)

Sylvan Loves Buses

I was also surprised when I saw it, although the other is like that too with light blue on top of the tank.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Need a shot of 422 with its AOA? Well if so, here you go.
Sorry about the bush though, couldn't get a better angle.

One thing for sure, this vantage point on the alternative backway entry to officework's carpark is one great way of getting some roof shots of the buses - but would have to get real lucky to get the unusual buses.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Took a couple at Woden the other day. Took maybe twice as many of these but not all of them turned out not-blury which is a shame cause I had a TBX in one of them :(

415, 420 and 429 captured on 30th July at around 5 in the evening.

Another sighting of 621 at Woden on 30th July 15 minutes before 5pm.

Lastly 313 waiting to turn into the City West Interchange on 24th July at 5:30pm and 467 at the City Interchange on 23rd July at 9:30am.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Date unknown (5:30pm)

659 parked behind a pileup of buses at City West on one of those days that you don't want to be driving in the middle of the city...

Tuesday 14th (7:31pm)
653 and 512 at Woden

Saturday 18th outside Llewellyn Hall ANU (6pm)

A Glenorie Coach. No idea what make or number, was in a hurry and it was poring rain.

Tuesday 21st (2:46pm)

My first sighting of 660 whilst not expecting 652 to be my serviced bus.

Lastly I know this isn't the appropriate gallery size and it's too bad we can't set photos for our profile page backgrounds, but I'd totally use this for it. 333 and 123 on the Sunday 12th fuel mishap (1:43pm)

Sylvan Loves Buses

Got quite a few the past few weeks.

Monday 27th August (5pm)

The Orange, the Green and the Blue.

642 at Woden.

Wednesday 29th August (4pm)
Several angles of 639 and 657 with 550 and 975.

Wednesday 29th August (6pm)

658 at City West.

Monday 3rd September (12pm)

643 at City Interchange

Wednesday 5th September (5:30pm)
920 on its network timings runs, with 572, and 971 with 644 at City West shortly after.

Thursday 6th September (6pm)
444, 662, 615 and 321 at the Athllon/Mawson Drive intersection.

Monday 10th September (10:20pm)
663 and 710 at Woden.

Sylvan Loves Buses

A bunch from the new temporary Woden setdown, and some at City West.

(2nd October 6:10pm)
711 leaving City west commencing a 163S

(18th October 5:52pm)
649 City West

(28th October 7:47am)
First Sighting of new set-down area

(29th October 2:35-2:40pm)
Several 633, 649 and 566 in Rome wrap

Sylvan Loves Buses

30th October 4:21pm-4:23pm.
The new 650's at City West Setdown

Today 5th November 11:30am-11:44am
456 and 664 behind the Belconnen Officeworks

510 and a lovely view of Belconnen beyond the Depot.

Before you freak out, yes I did take these legally once again. They're all taken from pretty much the same angle, any other angle would've been illegally taken.

Brand new 675, 677 and 678 hiding behind the Belconnen Depot Workshop. I'm surprised I managed to get the 677 shot without blurring the number plate - it was very windy and usually I can't take shots with x12 zoom level without having a hand spasm.