Sylvan's Photos 2020 (Feb/Mar)

Started by Sylvan Loves Buses, March 10, 2020, 11:16:03 PM

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Sylvan Loves Buses

Been taking many shots of Renault's recently now due to the imminent threat that is approaching them.

(click to enlarge)

26 Feb 1pm


27 Feb 5pm

My first sighting of 691.

5 Mar 5pm

My unfortunately botched photo of two Dinosaur buses on that infamous rainy day - damn that Renault piece of trash car that got in the way! I'm trying to shoot Renault buses here if you don't freaking mind!

6 Mar 5pm

978, 965 and 949 together and separately.

930 and 932

Today's outing:
10 Mar 5pm

908, 933, 964 and 975 at City West,


(with the lens poking through the fence) 937, 981 (twice), 370 and 689 at Tuggeranong Depot as I made my way around the reverse way than how I'd normally travel to find...

the shots of 490 I've been after!


Finally 691 again at Tuggeranong just before I went home.