Buses on Streetview

Started by Buzz Killington, November 26, 2009, 10:00:46 PM

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Buzz Killington

Has anybody come across any Buses (outside of the usual places such as interchanges) on streetview?

Here's one I've come across..


There is a Scania at Hawker Shops. I can't see where that is because my internet is so slow so if that is Hawker shops I apologise

Buzz Killington

The one I posted is 944 in Rivett. I'll see if I can find the Scania at Hawker.

It is a bit of fun navigating around the bus in street view!

Buzz Killington

Here's 822 in Kaleen..

Barry Drive

316 near Narrabundah Terminus

Updated - Image from December 2007

Barry Drive

The first image seems to have been lost, but the rest were located using the historical street view images, and the posts have been updated.

Meanwhile, I found a new image of 540 in Fyshwick

While looking for the first image in Rivett, a new one from Aug 2016 is showing


I came across a PR100.2 MK1 the other week. I think it was in Kambah south on one of the main roads



King of Buses


My personal favourite... (unless I can find 725 or some other PR180.2 trundling about somewhere!!! :p)


Quote from: King of Buses on January 09, 2017, 03:36:52 PM
My personal favourite... (unless I can find 725 or some other PR180.2 trundling about somewhere!!! :p)
I think bus 988 is a good start. There are a number of other buses in there as well: 883 pre-bike rack, 303, 314. The current streetview for east row


I once saw a PR100.2 (at least I think it was) out neer Mildura, must of been doing a run from/to Fraser West terminus.

Sylvan Loves Buses

I followed the whole 71 route, found a few buses, but none close enough until i got to Wanniassa Shops where I found 971. A lot of that area has a mix of 4 different capture times, very confusing.

it's pretty recent though, I'll try to find a later one.

later on, whilst following a garbage truck from one end of Bugden Ave to the other, an old shot of 817 :D

I think that's 816, though all the shots in the area are too blury to see the number properly

and 886 at Dickson shops

Buzz Killington

Quote from: Murray on January 11, 2017, 12:14:16 PM
I once saw a PR100.2 (at least I think it was) out neer Mildura, must of been doing a run from/to Fraser West terminus.

Must have been going the long way 'round...

Barry Drive

I think some of you (myself included) may have missed this part of the original post
Quote from: Buzz Killington on November 26, 2009, 10:00:46 PM
Has anybody come across any Buses (outside of the usual places such as interchanges) on streetview?

From January 2008, before the bus lane on Barry Drive



L94UB on Coyne St pre-nxtbus blades. Turn around and there is a old garbage truck as well which you can get right up to.

461 on route 3 near the canberra hospital. quite recent

Transborder, Deanes, and ACTION minibus at Garran Oval

King of Buses

Sylvan Loves Buses

Just been going through the bus terminii again to find any I've missed out on and happen to find 955 along the way.

Sylvan Loves Buses

funny how you find things like this sometimes


Toyota Camry

I have located a number of buses in Google Street View, during some downtime in my office; the vehicles that I located are below.

Bus 400

Of more interest is most years in that Street view history contains a Ford of some sort. 

Sylvan Loves Buses

Certainly looks nicer there without the decrepit fence sitting around the border

Bus It


It's extremely hard to read, but it looks like 879 from what I can see.

From June 2021, a 3 in 1, an MAN, Volgren, and CB80 Artic. https://www.google.com/maps/@-35.2423931,149.0903649,3a,75y,344.56h,83.93t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQ0v6rUnYPDGMboJZmmcUNw!2e0!5s20210601T000000!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu

Pretty good one here, a Renault and 547 in it's Sleep Doctor AOA from November 2020

I found more at the Hindmarsh layover, but as it's a bus terminus, there are obviously buses there. It would be cool to find more in the suburbs. I'll keep an eye out for more.

Sylvan Loves Buses

There are plenty in the suburbs, you just gotta know where to look. The older the buses, the cooler the finds too.

584 in Torrens, 317 at Melrose intersection, 925 at CBR Hospital, 862 at Manuka, MO9253 at Russel, 422 in Florey and 122 at Alfred Deakin High - that one was really hard to follow from the Carruthers St intersection.

The tough part is also trying to find ones people haven't posted here before.


I recently found 148 from back when the Free City Loop was running in December 2016. I sort of miss the City loop, being able to ride on a dart over and over again was so fun.https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-35.2791558,149.1354317,3a,30.3y,219.99h,79.18t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sANbLf8IdhwWwhGmrz0NKxQ!2e0!5s20161201T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu

Sylvan Loves Buses

That route was so useful, it's so annoying how many good routes they've removed over the years, we need stuff like that back. Even if they just ran them with ponchos or hinos or whatever, a loop service for each of the main town centres would be amazingly helpful.


Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on July 14, 2024, 06:16:52 PMThat route was so useful, it's so annoying how many good routes they've removed over the years, we need stuff like that back. Even if they just ran them with ponchos or hinos or whatever, a loop service for each of the main town centres would be amazingly helpful.

I couldn't agree more. I remember getting the loop from City interchange to the Canberra Centre back when it ran, simply due to walking taking an eternity from the bus interchange. Getting the bus was way more enjoyable and saved heaps of time.

Bus 400

I know it's off topic, but there are & always has been multiple paid services between Canberra Centre & City Interchange. Once you pay your fare to go around the block, you can get a free ride to Lanyon/Kippax. 

Sylvan Loves Buses

To try and keep it somewhat on topic lol.

I'm more concerned about getting buses from here to here. It might only be a 20-40 minute walk, but for me (esp as I don't have a scooter atm) that's a lotta pain. Especially worse on Sundays if you're trying to get around these areas on the hour the 53 doesn't go that direction.


At Tuggeranong depot, Street view caught a shot of an Element when they were first delivered

I know there are buses from the Canberra Centre to City interchange, but there are 2 things
1 - the terminus location of the 53-55 route terminates at one end of the interchange and route I want to get (R1-4) departs just as far away as walking to the centre from the east side of the interchange.
2 - It just wouldn't be the same as it was with the darts. Now I use the Legislative Assembly stop when going to the Canberra Centre, which is way closer anyway.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Ahh, this is always such a great view of the valley...

Bus 902

Bus 426

There's quite a lot going on at this intersection depending on the angle/date you look at

Even moseying around Belconnen yields some surprising results

Bus 8018

Sylvan Loves Buses


Sylvan Loves Buses

Found a peg too. Can't find out what the bus is though, disappears when you try to follow it.

If you go the other way though you find this interesting blast of the past.

I do miss the PR3s


Since my last post I have found many more buses on street view, instead of making a new post every time I will try to update this one instead.

338 and 479 on Callum Street (2020) https://www.google.com/maps/@-35.348627,149.0896365,3a,23.2y,105.32h,89.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYeLd_3bCJqletn4FBbpsQw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu

328 on Callum Street (2007) https://www.google.com/maps/@-35.3460506,149.0885091,3a,75y,212.94h,74.9t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3qrrwSATlT2JaA5KvOWRGw!2e0!5s20071201T000000!7i3328!8i1664?coh=205409&entry=ttu

PR100.3 on Heysen Street (2016) https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-35.3335853,149.0626497,3a,21.6y,251.59h,80.52t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1szVpwIDZlzW0jc9RV_273Vw!2e0!5s20161201T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu

993 on Lexcen Avenue (2008) https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-35.1840083,149.0991312,3a,75y,63.73h,75.9t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sME68TGLEdBWp0oB4eIBRvA!2e0!5s20080101T000000!7i3328!8i1664?coh=205409&entry=ttu

933 on Gozzard Street (2020) https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-35.1836286,149.1327476,3a,15y,194.99h,88.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swkjsCwoMnnj7fIVv5xa63w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu

702 on Burdekin Avenue (2020)

These last few are technically at interchanges (if you can even call the old Gungahlin Bus Station an "interchange")
308 (2009) and 929 (2015) on Hibberson Street https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-35.1852244,149.1331336,3a,75y,242.53h,79.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1wR1NuZZ_zztNZPBh0Fk8w!2e0!5s20091201T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu

312, 392, 2 Scania K320UBs on Gozzard Street (2016) https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-35.1850728,149.1323234,3a,20.7y,20.13h,84.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-UcW9R8JGVFjY7lF1jkBSQ!2e0!5s20161201T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu