Q-city Tour-12 November 2022

Started by CTM, October 25, 2022, 09:01:44 AM

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Join the Canberra Transport Museum for our first tour post COVID, sampling some of the Qcity fleet featuring many interesting vehicles such as the Volvo B9TL decker!

Members $20
Non-Members $30

Tickets Available at www.eventbrite.com.au/e/qcity-tour-2022-tickets-445893598757

Memberships available on the CTM website, if you sign up as a member and pay the membership fee you will then be emailed a code for members priced ticketing.

As a reminder this account it NOT monitored, if you need to contact CTM regarding the Qcity tour then please fill out the contact form on our website!

Hope to see you all there!