Scania bus in goulburn

Started by CNG, December 19, 2009, 07:47:55 AM

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This occured last year, I was traveling back from sydney and on the highway just past a goulburn a scannia went flying past with its bike rack removed in the other direction heading towards sydney. It was quite a strange site. Dose any one know why this may have happened. 

Irisbus Rider

ACTION Buses frequently travel up to Sydney, for maintenance or repairs which can't be done in the ACT.
The bike rack must be removed as the permit used in the ACT does not apply in NSW, and there, the bus is regarded as overlength (IIRC).

A year or so ago, I saw a 100.3a travelling down the M5 at Ingleburn, it was a very strange sight lol.


Today I saw one of the CNG travelling along rememberance drive from sydney, must have been for a service up in sydney at custom coaches.


Chassis repairs, believe it or not.