MyWay+ implementation

Started by Barry Drive, April 27, 2024, 10:50:06 AM

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Barry Drive

As has been revealed elsewhere, preliminary works for the implementation of the new system has begun on buses.

The promised "demonstration buses" have yet to appear, although they can't be too far away.

Since there have been no announcements, I thought I'd speculate about the roll-out: my guess is that the new system will be fully operational by the start of school term 4 (14 October).

Between now and then, we should firstly see an awareness campaign (with the demonstrator buses); this will then be followed by an enrolment campaign - the system will enable accounts to be created and new MyWay cards will be distributed.

Drivers will also need to be registered and trained on the new system prior to implementation.

Lastly, during the Term 3 school holidays, all of the buses and tram stops will have their equipment changed out. (Assuming they can all be done in two weeks.) This will probably result in free fares for two weeks and no operational real time system. During this time, any requested balance transfers will occur.

They might also extend the free fare period once the new system is functional.

Time will tell whether I get any of this right.

Feel free to add your own imaginary timeline.

Barry Drive

Two demonstration buses should have been unveiled today (812 & 813).

Here I was thinking that they would be able to remove all old equipment and install new equipment in two weeks. Instead they're planning for 6 - 8 weeks (October and November) for the system implementation. I was correct in assuming that no fares would be collected during the change-over period.

More details in the Minister's media release.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Can't believe I actually made it for once, it's been so long since I unintentionally arrived for one of these - no, I didn't know it was on, I usually find out the day after. Was just heading to ANU, and voila.

I happened to arrive just as the rain started pouring, so I took the opportunity to get a few rare rain photos without obstructions (excluding light poles)

I'll upload more photos when I get home tonight. Not sure if I've mentioned it before, but my current camera is no where near the quality of my previous, so if the photos look a little blurry it's not you.


I would LOVE to see more photos!!! I wish I could have been there to see it in person, but I'll probably find it on my travels at some point, especially when I go on my enthusiast bus trip.

Barry Drive

Have a look at this tweet:

* notes (1): 2 readers at rear doors only applies to artics and 722-751 and 800 onwards (excluding Renaults)
(2) MyWay+ cards are not "stored value" cards


From images 812 and 813 are two of the planned four MyWay+ demo buses. Wonder which are the other two?


I'm not 100% sure, but I would guess 814 and 815 when they are delivered. Could also be 2 of the new Scanias.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Damn, gas buses going before the last of the Renault's and some Irises, who'da thunk it.

Here's a snippet of the other photos I took, I'm sending them to Barry Drive for gallery consideration.

Bus 400

Definitely a skinnier BDC. 

I wonder if the buses on the new system will show up on the real-time apps. 

I assume the data feed will be different between the 2.

Barry Drive

The new "BDC" basically replaces the NXTBUS console - since the system doesn't issue paper tickets, there's no need for a console with an inbuilt printer.

I'm assuming one of the purposes of the MyWay+ "demonstration" is to test (and calibrate) the real time / tracking functions. It would make sense to also test if it reports correctly on apps, but that wouldn't be a high priority yet.


Do 733 and 748-751 have MyWay+ installed? I would assume 733 has it, but I am unsure about 748-751 since they were delivered before the system was announced.

Barry Drive

Quote from: L94UBbusfan on May 21, 2024, 07:13:25 PMDo 733 and 748-751 have MyWay+ installed?

Please refer to the Transport Minister's media release:
Quote.. four new electric 'demonstration buses' hit the road with new equipment installed.

There will be four buses. They will be electric buses. We know of two of them, so there will only be another two.

Once the remaining two are verified, it will be posted here.


I just don't see why these buses wouldn't be fitted with MyWay+ when delivered if the system is going to change in a few months.


Quote from: L94UBbusfan on May 22, 2024, 03:14:20 PMI just don't see why these buses wouldn't be fitted with MyWay+ when delivered if the system is going to change in a few months.
Pure speculation, but reasons might include:
  • Testing is still underway on the trial buses (of which not all four are in service yet) - should any troubleshooting be required, it's limited to just those four (for now)
  • Possible inability to run current MyWay/NXTBUS and MyWay+ simultaneously - given the trial buses are offering free travel, I suspect they'd want to limit the number of buses unable to collect fares
  • Consistent passenger experience - the four trial buses are (/ will be) MyWay+ branded to create awareness, whereas just another blue bus with it installed would be unexpected at the current time
  • Responsibility of MyWay+ lies with Transport Canberra - I could be mistaken, but I don't think ticketing equipment comes with the bus from the manufacturer. When the Yutongs first entered service, I believe MyWay and NXTBUS was simply swapped over from the Renault each one replaced. It's also been mentioned in the media that all MyWay+ hardware is already in Canberra, in storage.

Bus 400

I'm curious, will a Renault or 2 get MyWay+ upgrade. 

Re above, I wonder how different the wiring system is between the 2. Reading previous tenders/contracts, the buses are delivered with wiring set up for MyWay & (back then) NXTBUS. 


Quote from: 743 on May 22, 2024, 06:32:12 PMPure speculation, but reasons might include:
  • Testing is still underway on the trial buses (of which not all four are in service yet) - should any troubleshooting be required, it's limited to just those four (for now)
  • Possible inability to run current MyWay/NXTBUS and MyWay+ simultaneously - given the trial buses are offering free travel, I suspect they'd want to limit the number of buses unable to collect fares
  • Consistent passenger experience - the four trial buses are (/ will be) MyWay+ branded to create awareness, whereas just another blue bus with it installed would be unexpected at the current time
  • Responsibility of MyWay+ lies with Transport Canberra - I could be mistaken, but I don't think ticketing equipment comes with the bus from the manufacturer. When the Yutongs first entered service, I believe MyWay and NXTBUS was simply swapped over from the Renault each one replaced. It's also been mentioned in the media that all MyWay+ hardware is already in Canberra, in storage.

Some very valid points there. When you think about it, it makes sense to reuse an old MyWay system from a Renault.

Quote from: Bus 400 on May 22, 2024, 06:55:22 PMI'm curious, will a Renault or 2 get MyWay+ upgrade.

That is next to impossible. Unfortunately within the next month we will be down to just 4 Renaults remaining (if each bus in service is a retirement). So I HIGHLY doubt they would last until October.

Barry Drive

Quote from: Bus 400 on May 22, 2024, 06:55:22 PMI'm curious, will a Renault or 2 get MyWay+ upgrade.
We'll have to see what the fleet looks like at the time to be certain.

Any BusTechs still undelivered by October will need to have the new equipment installed during the build, and this will apply to new Yutongs as well.

This might result in buses being held back from delivery from September onwards and/or in new buses being stored until October.

Buzz Killington

Quote from: Bus 400 on May 22, 2024, 06:55:22 PMI'm curious, will a Renault or 2 get MyWay+ upgrade.

Does in-vehicle driver training involve use of the MyWay console?

Could be an option, assuming they retain one or two Renaults as dedicated training buses in some capacity - though I think they wouldn't want the optics of an "orange bus" getting around town once they're all withdrawn from revenue service.


Today I attended a MyWay+ event at Tuggeranong bus station. Here are my notes and thoughts from the event.

- All TC workers at the event were really helpful in helping the general public with explaining how the system worked.
- They had boards asking the public what they were most excited for with the new ticketing system, of which participants would place a sticker in a box above their favourite new MyWay+ feature, regarding payment and real time data. Using a smartphone and seeing the buses capacity were the most anticipated.
- 813 was at the event for the public to look at and go inside, as expected its the same as any other Yutong. It had a different new bus smell to the original 12, but 428 which I got on the way home had the same smell so it's probably some cleaner instead.
- I got a tour of the bus from one of the TC workers, it was interesting to see the new features and compare them to current MyWay
- Overall it was a useful event and it definitely taught me more about how the MyWay+ system works.


Except it is different  ;D 

Look Closely and there's lots of subtle differences

Bus 400

I wonder if the text service availability under NXTBUS will be available 🤔.

Whilst it's lost it's usefulnes, it's cool to text certain words & see what stop(s) the system finds.


In theory it should not be too hard to integrate MyWay+ to existing TransportMe eftpos machines on CDC buses, as TransportMe runs on iPads. Only thing preventing it is weather TC and TfNSW will want it.


Quote from: Cutepattern1098 on August 16, 2024, 06:13:04 PMIn theory it should not be too hard to integrate MyWay+ to existing TransportMe eftpos machines on CDC buses, as TransportMe runs on iPads. Only thing preventing it is weather TC and TfNSW will want it.
Then again MyWay+ might be that good that TfNSW opts to use it to replace Opal.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Just got the latest email...

Quoteone of the most advanced ticketing systems in the world

They say this, yet we still have to tap OFF at every stop...

Quote from: Cutepattern1098 on August 16, 2024, 06:19:31 PMThen again MyWay+ might be that good that TfNSW opts to use it to replace Opal.

I doubt it. Canberra use to be the first for everything bus related in the 1900s, now we're the last. If anything this pathetic excuse of a ticketing system upgrade will be worse (imo) than anything else nation-wide. How the Queanbeyan and Canberra ticketing systems have not been merged yet boggles the mind.

Bus 400

Just remember whilst TC are implementing this system. 

TfL & TfNSW (amongst others) are in 2024 looking for similar account based system & upgrade.

How exactly will MyWay+ be worse than MyWay? Or worse than the similar system already in testing/use in Adelaide?

Barry Drive

Quote from: Bus 400 on August 17, 2024, 12:22:17 AMTfL & TfNSW (amongst others) are in 2024 looking for similar account based system & upgrade.
I've had a bit of a look at the TfNSW tenders for their "Opal Next Gen" system. Unlike how ACT approached it, NSW have split the project into several distinct parts:
• backend accounts system
• on bus / train station equipment
• top-up agencies

In effect, NEC are doing all the project management of the MyWay+ upgrade and sourcing all the components. Whereas it looks like NSW are conducting the project management in-house and will integrate the strands of the systems themselves. Time will tell which is the better approach.

What this actually means is that there won't be a single "system" that is put to tender, so it won't be possible for MyWay+ to "replace" Opal.

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on August 16, 2024, 10:35:02 PMCanberra use to be the first for everything bus related in the 1900s, now we're the last. If anything this pathetic excuse of a ticketing system upgrade will be worse (imo) than anything else nation-wide.
Depending on the Brisbane roll-out, Canberra will actually be the first PT service to convert to an account based system.

I fail to see how the new system will be either pathetic or the worst in Australia. Most of the flaws in the current systems (incl. NXTBUS) will be removed by the new system. If your concern is about the elimination of cash fares: that's a requirement imposed by the government, it's not due to the "system".

Barry Drive

It has officially been announced today that the MyWay/NXTBUS switch off will be 20 September. After this date, user testing will commence and the new equipment will be installed on 450 buses and at Light Rail stops (and Ticket Machines will be converted).

Hopefully there will be more details revealed about the app and fare structures at this time.

Installation is said to take "at least" 6 weeks.

Question 1: if not all buses are installed after 6 weeks but (say) 80% are, and the app is ready to go - do they just commence anyway and give free rides on buses that aren't ready?

Question 2: what's stopping them from installing the equipment now on buses which have no ticketing and on the Ponchos which don't take fares anyway?

Question 3: when do they cut off issuing new cards or performing top ups?

(Rhetorical questions only - don't expect any answers)


This video shows what appears to look like a MyWay+ reader installed opposite the current MyWay reader on 674. If it is a new MyWay+ reader, does that mean that some readers have already been installed on other artics?

Sylvan Loves Buses

Yeah I've seen a few artics in recent times with a panel or something with fabric on the opposite railing. I'd imagine that'll probably be it whenever they do it.


Buses with double rear doors will have two readers at the rear door, they have added the bracket for the second reader when doing the pre-wiring to save time when it comes time for the full installation 


Quote from: Barry Drive on September 05, 2024, 10:19:06 AMIt has officially been announced today that the MyWay/NXTBUS switch off will be 20 September. After this date, user testing will commence and the new equipment will be installed on 450 buses and at Light Rail stops (and Ticket Machines will be converted).

Hopefully there will be more details revealed about the app and fare structures at this time.

Installation is said to take "at least" 6 weeks.

Question 1: if not all buses are installed after 6 weeks but (say) 80% are, and the app is ready to go - do they just commence anyway and give free rides on buses that aren't ready?

Question 2: what's stopping them from installing the equipment now on buses which have no ticketing and on the Ponchos which don't take fares anyway?

Question 3: when do they cut off issuing new cards or performing top ups?

(Rhetorical questions only - don't expect any answers)

Question (also rhetorical) 4: What control does the Contractor have over time lines?

TC web site extract:

"From Friday 20 September 2024, the following services will cease as a result of MyWay not operating:

Bpay payments
Auto top-up
Online and over the phone payments
Online card ordering (including joint ACT Seniors cards)
Purchasing MyWay cards from MyWay agents
MyWay card registrations
Check my MyWay balance
Refunds and balance transfers"


Quote from: L94UBbusfan on September 05, 2024, 04:55:00 PMThis video shows what appears to look like a MyWay+ reader installed opposite the current MyWay reader on 674. If it is a new MyWay+ reader, does that mean that some readers have already been installed on other artics?

I've seen a MyWay+ reader on the rear doors of Bus-524 in July if I recall correctly.

Barry Drive

No, you haven't. Refer to this reply:

Quote from: Snorzac on September 05, 2024, 07:01:42 PM... they have added the bracket for the second reader when doing the pre-wiring to save time when it comes time for the full installation

No buses will have a new MyWay+ validator and an old one. Once they commence installation, you will start to see artics with a validator each side of the rear door.


As indicated by Triumph in the "what bus" thread, they have started to fit our buses with the new system.

So far I've observed 480, 514, 800 and 818 with the new system.


So for the last night of Nightfest TC had run an additional R4's from Commonwealth Ave with Artics. The bus I went on, Bus-510 had MyWay+ validators, drivers console and information screen fully installed.


Quote from: Cutepattern1098 on October 06, 2024, 10:51:56 PMSo for the last night of Nightfest TC had run an additional R4's from Commonwealth Ave with Artics. The bus I went on, Bus-510 had MyWay+ validators, drivers console and information screen fully installed.

Yes, I saw that 510 has MyWay+ validators on Friday, I also noticed that 539 also had them installed.


Quote from: L94UBbusfan on October 07, 2024, 10:59:41 AMYes, I saw that 510 has MyWay+ validators on Friday, I also noticed that 539 also had them installed.

I'm also fairly certain that Bus-800 is also fully fitted out with MyWay+ as I could see the yellow fare validator a good distance away.


590 has had MyWay+ hardware installed


At this stage I don't think there is really much point in recording which buses do and don't have the hardware unless something appears significantly different to others 

Barry Drive

As at yesterday, they're at just under half of all Light Rail platforms having new readers installed:

• Alinga St (east side only)
• Dickson
• Swinden St
• Phillip Av
• Sandford St
• Well Station Dr
• Nullarbor Av

Presumably once the validators are changed over, the ticket vending machines will be next. Too soon to speculate how much time the TVMs will take - but mid November is probably the earliest.


Quote from: Snorzac on October 14, 2024, 03:18:32 PMAt this stage I don't think there is really much point in recording which buses do and don't have the hardware unless something appears significantly different to others

Only thing to note is that neither  the Irisbues and CNGs have had MyWay+ any equipment installed.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Rode 561 today and sat behind the rear door to observe the card reader in action. I'm really hoping that what it was doing is not going to be what will happen once everything's in place. I noticed that the reader would only switch to allow tagging on/off if the bus had reached a complete standstill and the door was opening. It wouldn't even switch at a stop if the bus passed it. The old system would come on no matter the speed of the bus. If that delay is going to be a thing, I think that's gonna cause a lot of frustration at bus interchanges.
Still like the new screens, still wish they would have more than the 3 next stops displayed however.


Following on, like the Light Rail modules, it would be good if the next stop display was also provided in the rear module of articulated buses. The present PIDs are quite unreadable from the rear module.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Rode 562 this morning and the rear reader was even worse to respond than the one on 561. It wouldn't even switch over to the tap on/off screen until AFTER the doors were closed and the bus was pulling away from the stop. Yikes.


I rode 2 buses with MyWay+ installed today (546 and 551). 546s screen wasn't displaying anything yet, while 551s was. The new screens are a bit harder to read from a distance compared to the old screens, I'm not sure if I am a huge fan of them.

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on October 25, 2024, 09:46:28 PMI noticed that the reader would only switch to allow tagging on/off if the bus had reached a complete standstill and the door was opening. It wouldn't even switch at a stop if the bus passed it.

The reader on 546 was covered by the "we're switching to MyWay+" thing, but 551s reader was similar to the reader on 562. At the bus stop on Anthony Rolfe Ave, it didn't even allow tapping on/off at ALL  :o

So far I have only seen Yutongs and CB80 Scanias with MyWay+, I wonder when other buses will get the system installed? Having the new system fully operational by November is starting to look a bit optimistic.

Barry Drive

Quote from: L94UBbusfan on October 28, 2024, 07:29:41 PMHaving the new system fully operational by November is starting to look a bit optimistic.
Without knowing their plan, it's hard to say for sure.

The Light Rail platform validators should be all installed by the end of this week. So the Ticket Machines will be next - they need to be fully installed and operational before the new system can commence.

They also need to release the MyWay+ app (although it's not vital since card registration can be done through a webpage). Then the cards and the retail network need to be activated.

What I'm saying is: I can't see it being ready until late November at the earliest. And then I would expect a transitional period where they won't enforce fares.

Even by the end of November there may still be some buses which aren't fitted out.


It would be better to ensure everything is in working order than to rush to meet a deadline, which with the election over, is no longer a priority.

Sylvan Loves Buses

I wonder how often people will forget to tag off again once it does going ahead.

Barry Drive

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on October 26, 2024, 10:05:44 PMIt wouldn't even switch over to the tap on/off screen until AFTER the doors were closed and the bus was pulling away from the stop. Yikes.
I would strongly suggest that feedback about this (and any other matter regarding MyWay+) be officially submitted to:


Quote from: Barry Drive on October 29, 2024, 06:57:42 PMWithout knowing their plan, it's hard to say for sure.

The Light Rail platform validators should be all installed by the end of this week. So the Ticket Machines will be next - they need to be fully installed and operational before the new system can commence.

They also need to release the MyWay+ app (although it's not vital since card registration can be done through a webpage). Then the cards and the retail network need to be activated.

What I'm saying is: I can't see it being ready until late November at the earliest. And then I would expect a transitional period where they won't enforce fares.

Even by the end of November there may still be some buses which aren't fitted out.

It's been announced that MyWay+ will go live on the 27th of November, with the new app and accounts launching today. I couldn't find a mention about a transitional period, however I expect drivers will be more lenient in the first few weeks of the new system being operational. In terms of buses fitted, all CB80s (artics and standards), most MAN diesels, most Yutongs and 621 have the system installed. I am still yet to see a CNG, Irisbus or Bustech with the new system installed. So there will be some buses which won't have MyWay+ installed yet once it is operational.


Quote from: L94UBbusfan on November 14, 2024, 07:34:47 PM...ldn't find a mention about a transitional period, however I expect drivers will be more lenient in the first few weeks ....

It would be hard for bus drivers to be more lenient than they already are. The risks of challenging/denying patrons are an occupational health and safety issue. So leniency is probably an unsuitable term. The role of ticket enforcement and associated leniemcy should be undertaken on buses by TC Officers specifically assigned to this role.

Sylvan Loves Buses

I'm still seeing Bustechs with it and some CB80s without.


Quote from: triumph on November 14, 2024, 10:09:02 PMIt would be hard for bus drivers to be more lenient than they already are. The risks of challenging/denying patrons are an occupational health and safety issue. So leniency is probably an unsuitable term. The role of ticket enforcement and associated leniemcy should be undertaken on buses by TC Officers specifically assigned to this role.

Looking at the TC Fb page there's going to be a lot of confusion and frustration on the 28th of November, and a lot of it seems to be annoyance at the App and having to pay to buy a new card

Sylvan Loves Buses

Indeed, and given what the TC representative on the phone told me yesterday, the only way that they'll be allowing you to transfer your funds from MyWay to MyWay+ is online. RIP anyone who doesn't have that option.


I endured problems trying to make a MyWay+ account on the app, however I believe TC is aware of this issue already and is in the process of fixing it. I also expect heaps of confusion surrounding MyWay+, I know many people who are regular bus users who have very little knowledge about the system. When I told them they had to get new cards, and pay to get them, they were quite unhappy to say the least.

Barry Drive

Quote from: Cutepattern1098 on November 16, 2024, 10:00:21 AM... annoyance at the App and having to pay to buy a new card
I'll say this slowly.










That's the whole point of the new system. You can use a credit/debit card. You can use the app (and scan a QR code - even though I've not found how to do that in the app, yet.)

And transferring the funds from MyWay was the entire reason why they spent 6 months (or however long it actually was) encouraging people to register their card.

Also: you can request an account refund rather than a balance transfer if you don't want to set up a MyWay+ account. Additional edit: MyWay balance refunds can be requested without needing internet access (the form will be mailed out and processed manually).

Barry Drive

Quote from: Barry Drive on October 29, 2024, 06:57:42 PM... the Ticket Machines will be next - they need to be fully installed and operational before the new system can commence.
That aged well. While I haven't checked everywhere, as far as I'm aware there haven't been any ticket machines installed / modified yet.

While they are not necessary with credit card tapons and online card topups, does this provide a feasible excuse for not paying on the tram?


Quote from: Barry Drive on November 23, 2024, 10:32:42 AMThat aged well. While I haven't checked everywhere, as far as I'm aware there haven't been any ticket machines installed / modified yet.

While they are not necessary with credit card tapons and online card topups, does this provide a feasible excuse for not paying on the tram?

And quite a few buses are not yet fully equipped. Including some noted yesterday - 749, 720, and 666. It now seems a near certainty not everything will be ready by the much promoted date.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Oops, I haven't bought a new card yet, not that they gave us much warning or information to do so anyway.
Guess I'll have to make an effort to ride as many CNG and Iris buses as I can until I can find a moment to do the transition...


Item in today's Canberra Times on MyWay+.

It is now admitted not all buses will have validators. Some older buses 'due for retirement in the next few months' as new electric buses arrive, will not be fitted.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Nice, the one opportunity I have this week to go out of my way to buy myself a new card and both retailers in Woden are out, how typical. There isn't even a place in the Hyperdome to get one, typical Labour with their usual shtick of making public transport as inconvenient as possible. Even tried at Wanniassa on Sunday, and with not 1, not 2, but THREE newsagent/tobacconists at Wanniassa, not even one of them has them yet.
If I'm honest though, I don't think I want to care to 'try' anymore. I've had enough of this crap and I'm just going to do similar to what they forced me to deal with last time when the first MyWay was introduced...

Quote from: What it'll be like
Quote from: bus driversExcuse me, are you going to pay?
Well I could, but I don't have a phone, I don't own a credit/bank card, I don't even have a MyWayMinus card even though I tried to get one, all I have is cash but you won't take that anymore. And, assuming the machine at the interchange was working for once, I'm coming from home and the tickets aren't valid for the following day. So what can I do?... Can I go sit down now?

It's bad enough that half the buses have the machines and most readers don't even respond to the bus stop until after some time has passed. What a mess, should go back to the magnetic strip machines and allow cash on-board, at least that shit was reliable/flexible (and didn't require you to TAP OFF).


I have seen the bustecs slowly rolling out with MW+ so they're slowly coming along with them, although one thing I've noticed, is that that doesn't seem to be all that much drive training on what to do with the system and stuff like that it's just something that I've noticed that I thought a lot more driver would be knowledgeable about the new System with less than 48 hours till launch


Quote from: Bus967 on November 25, 2024, 10:32:09 PMI have seen the bustecs slowly rolling out with MW+ so they're slowly coming along with them, although one thing I've noticed, is that that doesn't seem to be all that much drive training on what to do with the system and stuff like that it's just something that I've noticed that I thought a lot more driver would be knowledgeable about the new System with less than 48 hours till launch

I expect there will be mass confusion tomorrow, mainly due to the lack of knowledge some people have surrounding the new system, and the fact that all CNG, Iris, Elements and most Volgrens and Bustechs don't have the new system installed yet, which will further confuse people. Which Bustechs have MyWay+ installed? I'm yet to see a single one with MyWay+.


So going by most recent wiki data 77 buses will not have MyWay+. A real shame as those buses won't have any live tracking. At least this issue won't persist beyond 2026-2028.


Speaking of lack of knowledge, one thing that I seem to find out that a lot of drivers don't know how to do a override like safe for example the bus pulls up to The physical stop, but the stop on the system is for example 20 m away, the driver would have to drive that 20 m down to the stop for people to get on and off


You seem to be unlucky - I can't recall experiencing that.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Aw, was really hoping to see Anytrip working again, what a shame. Hopefully my 71 is an irisbus today and 312 rests in peace.

Quote from: Bus967 on November 26, 2024, 11:02:36 PMthe stop on the system is for example 20 m away, the driver would have to drive that 20 m down to the stop for people to get on and off
Yeah exactly, how's that gonna work at bus interchanges for people tagging off in a hurry when the driver pulls up at the furthest point away from the front of the platform like at Woden Plt 3, or at Westfield Belconnen during those times when 5 buses all squeeze into Plt 2.


It seems to be happening at my local stop constantly as it is actually 21 m down the road from the physical stop
The circle of confidence is too small And that's something that I picked up from some people from the Sydney Buses museum from November 2 (it's been a problem From at least a month) ,
I can understand as if they don't want people tagging on and off while the bus is moving, but if people can't tag on and off at interchanges
 then if people have already tagged on but can't tag off they'll get a default fare
Plus, I have had issues of the QR code with the app on my phone, I can't "scan off" But it lets me scan on


Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on November 27, 2024, 06:54:47 AMAw, was really hoping to see Anytrip working again, what a shame.

That's a huge shame. Hopefully it is working again soon, it's been hard to find buses the last 2 months without it.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Indeed. Sadly no Iris on the 71 today waaah.

What a mess, that's about all I can think right now. 2 of the 3 buses I just caught to go shopping didn't have the new machines and the one that did it was just chaos. 40% of the people who were using it had trouble for which the driver was not 'trained' to help with, and the other 50% were the smooth-brain people from the normal MyWay who STILL think that the reader is the screen...
I got off at the stop behind the southern cross club and to no surprise with the driver parking up behind a CNG Scania (63), the MyWayMinus reader did not detect that we were at the bus stop even though the bay is designed to fit 2-3 buses. It didn't even pick up a couple other stops along the way either, what a complete flop this new system is turning out to be. They should've made the commencement date (not only a Monday, but...) Novermber 2025.


I rode 492 on the 26 today to see how everything was going with MyWay+ on the first day. Now, granted I was on a bus full of school students, but I think I was the only one who actually payed. The rear door card reader wasn't working, and after the driver pressed some buttons the front one eventually worked, so it wasn't actually that bad. I overheard some people on board saying "I wonder if my old card will work". It's slightly concerning how little the general public knows about the new system. I agree with Sylvan, what a mess.



Late this afternoon.

Ist Trip: Light Rail City to Gungahlin Place R!
At Alinga Street some validators were placarded unserviceable. Ditto Gungahlin. Operating validator failed to read QR code despite staff check. Waved aboard. Normal journey.
2nd trip: Gungahlin Place to Westfield Belconnen R8
Next bus platform display only advising to refer to timetable. Ditto Westfield and City.
Bus not equipped. Normal journey.

3rd trip: Westfield Belconnen to City Interchange R4
Enthusiastic driver attempting to advise, educate, and help. Laudable, but not correct in some details. Wanted me to hold phone to card reader part, not QR code reader. QR card failed to read again. (Haven't integrated credit card to phone). Went to try physical credit card, which is registered in my account, but prevented by driver trying to protect me from charge as I am an over 70s senior. (If a physical registered credit card is used, the information implies that the relevant registered concession is still applied - have I got that right?)

Very abnormal journey. Over 35min. Problem was a horde of mostly Asian students with very few of them being aware; and of those that were, tapping on was still hit and miss. Delay compounded by driver's efforts to advise.
Arriving Rimmer St ANU stop we were 2nd bus at the stop. No tap off was possible as the reader was not active. Rectified whenthe bus moved up a space. Driver said they had absolutely no access to enable the reader. (TC has advised failure to tap off will not be penalised.) Seemed to be a interaction with a Senior correctly claiming old card can be used till June next year, BUT I couldn't see if the driver was actually shown the card. The Senior was told to get new MyWay+ arrangement.

So three journeys with no actual tap on.

Previously (over many hours)

As for getting the MyWay+ account, we are not particularly tech savvy and found this to be a long laborious and frustrating process. Completed parts often needed to be done again, with very limited feed back on progress.
In the case of my wife, after my experience gained, it should have been straightforward, but no. On reaching the MyWay App process, the system refused to accept her ACT Digital Account log in credentials. The phone (same make but different model to mine) was rebooted, all the relevant settings were double checked, even adding .au to gmail user credential was tried, and log in attempts and checks were repeated multiple times with great care. All to no avail. She could access her ACT Digital Account using precisely the same credentials on another device with no hiccups. Aaaaargh >:(  >:(

Media are now reporting QR read problems were due to volume! The mind boggles. Couldn't this be foreseen?

Almost nothing has been said in the media about supplier/contractor responsibilities and failings. Or where duty, interface, and co-ordination fall across the system of supplier/contractor, Transport Canberra, and the Minister, is far from clear. But I cannot help thinking that tech issues and failures are very much down to those who should know - the tech suppliers and installers.

It is not only us, from media reports and comments, the frustrations and generation of negative impressions is quite widespread.

Oh well, better luck next trial trip.


Quote from: Bus967 on November 26, 2024, 11:02:36 PMSpeaking of lack of knowledge, one thing that I seem to find out that a lot of drivers don't know how to do a override like safe for example the bus pulls up to The physical stop, but the stop on the system is for example 20 m away, the driver would have to drive that 20 m down to the stop for people to get on and off
Quote from: triumph on November 27, 2024, 12:06:51 AMYou seem to be unlucky - I can't recall experiencing that.
I think I misunderstood. Apologies. As MyWay+ hadn't started I thought you meant generally.
Today I observed the problem at Rimmer St. How did that get past the specifiers, supervisors, suppliers/contractors, and beta testing - quite a fundamental fail.


Quote from: triumph on November 27, 2024, 10:25:45 PMI think I misunderstood. Apologies. As MyWay+ hadn't started I thought you meant generally.
Today I observed the problem at Rimmer St. How did that get past the specifiers, supervisors, suppliers/contractors, and beta testing - quite a fundamental fail.

I'm actually one of the beta testers, but considering how it slipped all of that, I genuinely don't understand where things went wrong so badly plus they didn't give us any sort of feedback form or a place to put the feedback, and in my opinion I think they should make the entire bus station from platform one to platform eight, an entire zone that way customers can tag on or off where and as needed with a one minute timeout on the same bus

Sylvan Loves Buses

Lol, what's the damned point of beta testers if you can't tell them what's going on. This is so typical of TC now days (and many game developers I know of ;D ). I didn't call ACTION to report that thing, because like every other report I've ever reported (that was not to report a driver), it's thrown in the trash and not cared about. If the smooth-brains at TC can't see how garbage their own system is during a pitifully short beta testing period, why should I bother to help them - I'm just one of the many voices they don't want to hear.

The old MyWay card does not work btw, the reader does not recognise the chip. Some idiot who didn't realise they were holding their old one this morning tried it too. Like why do you still have the old one anyway? Oh yeah, because... EVERY NEWSAGENT IN CANBERRA RAN OUT CUZ THEY DIDN'T USE THIER TINY BRAINS TO REALISE THAT SO MANY PEOPLE WOULD GO OUT AND BUY THEM.


Quote from: triumph on November 27, 2024, 09:59:06 PMExperience.

In the case of my wife, after my experience gained, it should have been straightforward, but no. On reaching the MyWay App process, the system refused to accept her ACT Digital Account log in credentials. The phone (same make but different model to mine) was rebooted, all the relevant settings were double checked, even adding .au to gmail user credential was tried, and log in attempts and checks were repeated multiple times with great care. All to no avail. She could access her ACT Digital Account using precisely the same credentials on another device with no hiccups. Aaaaargh >:(  >:(


This morning tried again and lo and behold the credentials were accepted. No idea why the hiatus.

Barry Drive

Quote from: triumph on November 27, 2024, 09:59:06 PMWent to try physical credit card, which is registered in my account, but prevented by driver trying to protect me from charge as I am an over 70s senior. (If a physical registered credit card is used, the information implies that the relevant registered concession is still applied - have I got that right?)

Yes. Provided credit card is linked to MyWay+ account, and account is set up as Seniors 70+. But I'd make sure you always tap off.

QuoteDriver said they had absolutely no access to enable the reader.
This, on the other hand, is entirely incorrect.

While there are issues with the bus stop footprints (and to a lesser extent MyWay had similar problems - looking at you Gungahlin Place), drivers do have the ability to activate the validators.


This afternoon travelled Gungahlin Place to Nullarbor Avenue and return.
Tried several validators at Gungahlin Place - No result with QR but registered credit card worked normally both tap on and tap off.

At Nullarbor Avenue some visitors in possession of newly acquired cards sought advice on how to use. The cards produced no responce from validator. And ticket machine was still placarded over screen. LRV arrived and I told them just to get on and if queried, express confusion.

Later, I investigated my MyWay+ Account. Fare transactions including concession all in order. Also listed was:
Journey ID, Media Type (CC for credit card), Date, Travel Route (blank), Entry (tap on time), Exit ( Invalid Stop IDbut should be tap off time), Deducted Fare (correct), Balance (blank = correct) and Action (an icon).
Clicking the icon produced a page with Journey, Fare, and Discount details. Not all of which were provided.

In summary, QR didn't work, credit card (registered) tap ons and offs were acknowledged in some way, identity of tap on and tap off stations not shown, fares were correct, and tap off at both Nullarbor Avenue and Gungahlin Place produced the Invalid Stop ID record.

This Invalid Stop ID is peculiar, the valiidators on the Light Rail system are at fixed positions at each station.


Tried anonymous mode on a Light Rail trip today. Outbound tapped on and off OK with an UNregistered obscure source Mastercard, Charged $1. Returned flash card style but no flash required. QR still not being recognised, Phone is  Samsung S21.

Media is reporting that on some phones the QR image is too large for the reader to work properly. Fix to be tried is to reduce QR image size.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Haven't caught a bus since... idk Wednesday lol. Been keeping up to date either via the emails or things I bother to read here or on the news sites and stuff. I'm still laughing at how much of a sh*t show this has turned out to be.

Quote from: Hemsley said TC's response "demonstrated an unwillingness to accept how many problems exist within the system". He expected it will be "months" before Canberrans can enjoy the "genuinely world-class" public transport system it's touted to be.
Sounds about right.

Also Anytrip isn't showing TC buses at all now. They've mentioned that the new system isn't available or something and are just showing the times at each stop, shame.

Buzz Killington

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on November 30, 2024, 09:51:27 AMAlso Anytrip isn't showing TC buses at all now. They've mentioned that the new system isn't available or something and are just showing the times at each stop, shame.

Realtime apparently won't be available until 80% of the fleet has been fitted out with MyWay+. No idea when that will be, and in any case, I haven't seen any mention of whether a feed will be provided to third party developers as it previously.


Light rail return trip today. QR still fails to activate validator. Registered CC used.

Bus 443, successfully used QR for tap on. Driver drew attention to a very faint short thin bar of illumination on base of phone receptacle. Putting phone down on base so that illumination beam fell on the QR image did the trick.
Neither of us could achieve a QR tap off.

Later, looking at my MyWay+ account. The QR tap on was recorded. The light rail 'entry' and 'exit' records for today were there, but rather scrambled.

The transaction history seems to have discarded some initial entries including MyWay+ card order. Will it arrive??

Sylvan Loves Buses

Haven't had an opportunity to use my detailed excuse yet, hopefully some day I can because I've been rehearsing it ;D

Was in Woden again today to try to maybe get a card from the one newsagent there that actually has them, but nope, they were closed when I got there. Sigh.

Barry Drive

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on December 04, 2024, 10:20:53 PMKinda off topic, but if and when the 3rd-party tracking recommences, will the 20% of buses not having the new stuff be visible too?
We've been over this. There is no capability for a third-party app to track buses if said buses don't have tracking equipment active.

While NXTBUS is still displaying route information inside, the 3G signal has been switched off, so it can't be used.

And as discussed over 10 years ago, there is no other method to match a bus's location with the route it's operating.

One last thing: it will be less than 80% of the current fleet as they're not counting the buses due to be withdrawn in the next 6 (or 12) months. However, the new system is believed to be able to mark a trip as being cancelled in real-time, like the tram does. (Disclaimer: this has yet to be confirmed.)

Sylvan Loves Buses

Still pretty disgusting how they're letting that many buses go without regardless of how long they're not sticking around for.
If they really wanted this system to be a 'plus' they should allow those users (pension/senior/disability card holders etc) who are basically already riding for free, actually ride for free if they want it. Screw the cards, flash the relevant card at the driver and go sit down (obviously this wouldn't work during peak periods for some). Another plus would be linking to CDC Canberra, but that's never gonna happen with this government...

Sylvan Loves Buses

Actually now that I think of it, I can just use the lack of seeing the CNGs and Irises like I used to do with the Renault's. Often the Renault's wouldn't show up on Anytrip which was a generally good indicator that it was one, I could use the no-show info as a way from home to get buses that don't have MyWayMinus. Eureka!


I went to try MyWay+ again yesterday, and ended up getting 2 buses without it, oh well. In terms of the hardware installation, I believe all Bustechs (except for 722-734) are now fitted with MyWay+, leaving just the Volgren standards (the artics seem to have it), Element 2s and some Yutongs (I think) which still need to be fitted out, since the L94s and Irises won't get it.

Also, do/will the MAN CNGs have MyWay+ fitted, or are they set to be retired once more Yutongs arrive?

Barry Drive

Quote from: L94UBbusfan on December 06, 2024, 06:34:45 PMAlso, do/will the MAN CNGs have MyWay+ fitted, or are they set to be retired once more Yutongs arrive?
Transport Canberra have stated that buses due to be replaced "in the coming months" will not have MyWay+ installed. But there's been no explanation of how many months.

Previous statements have suggested 15 more CNG Scanias will be retired by 30 June 2025. So it should be safe to assume the CNG MANs will be fitted.

The Irisbuses I'm not sure about. Does their expected remaining life of 6-12 months make it worthwhile?


Quote from: Barry Drive on December 07, 2024, 09:43:55 AMTransport Canberra have stated that buses due to be replaced "in the coming months" will not have MyWay+ installed. But there's been no explanation of how many months.

Previous statements have suggested 15 more CNG Scanias will be retired by 30 June 2025. So it should be safe to assume the CNG MANs will be fitted.

The Irisbuses I'm not sure about. Does their expected remaining life of 6-12 months make it worthwhile?

This also leads me to wonder whether some CNG Scanias which aren't meant to be withdrawn until late 2025/early 2026 will be fitted with MyWay+. When I went on 318 on Wednesday there was a sign on the driver door saying "This bus will soon be replaced by a battery electric bus" so it seems unlikely that any Irisbuses will be fitted with MyWay+.

Bus 400

Out of curiosity, has anyone tried to link their concession details to their MyWay+ account?

All I had to do was say I have a concession card without providing evidence of said concession. Whilst letting me order a new travel card at the discounted rate. Same went saying I was a Senior concession. Getting the card for $0.


Quote from: Bus 400 on December 09, 2024, 03:26:57 PMOut of curiosity, has anyone tried to link their concession details to their MyWay+ account?

All I had to do was say I have a concession card without providing evidence of said concession. Whilst letting me order a new travel card at the discounted rate. Same went saying I was a Senior concession. Getting the card for $0.

You do have to have your concession cards (pensioner, etc) with you to produce on demand to verify the claimed entitlements.
If caught there are all sorts of possible ramifications including offences such as fraud, the normal penalties, and owing a large debt for previous fraudulent travel.
Unlike a photo driver licence, I don't think a MyWay+ card can be used to prove any status to 3rd parties.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Quote from: Bus 400 on December 09, 2024, 03:26:57 PMhas anyone tried to link their concession details to their MyWay+ account?
Not yet, I still don't have one xD

Sylvan Loves Buses

Every time I get these emails all I can do is laugh at the bulls**t.

Quote from: Friday 6th 2024 TC newsletterEnjoy free public transport every Friday as part of a 12-month trial beginning today!

You will still be required to tap on and off bus and light rail services every fare free Friday to support data collection purposes but you will not be charged any fares. Data collection allows us to plan for future timetable or network improvements as well as evaluate the success of the trial.

"Data collection allows us to plan for future timetable or network improvements"


Quote from: Bus 400 on December 09, 2024, 03:26:57 PMOut of curiosity, has anyone tried to link their concession details to their MyWay+ account?


No. But I did order one through my account about 2 weeks ago. Later that transaction history had disappeared. Later still the transaction and travel histories had again disappeared. BUT a linked MyWay+ card has appeared in my account, and today it arrived in the post. So it was pre-linked prior to dispatch. Yet to try it out.

In the account, the linked MyWay+ card image has little indicators on each side. If you have other cards/devices (such as a credit card) linked, then clicking an indicator will cause one of these other cards to be displayed, and so on. If nothing happens, try clicking the other indicator.

Concessions etc are tied to the account. Thus any linked card/device travel transaction automatically includes the concessions.

Detail of how a Ticket Inspector checks is not published. It is assumed the Inspector would require the card/device used to tap on to be produced. Then the Inspector's device can access the appropriate account via a read of the card/device. (Also, the MyWay+ card I received has a raised 'T' under the 'y' of 'My'. No idea what this indicates but may be relevant to ticket inspections. Anyone know?)

Buzz Killington

Quote from: triumph on December 11, 2024, 05:52:58 PMAlso, the MyWay+ card I received has a raised 'T' under the 'y' of 'My'. No idea what this indicates but may be relevant to ticket inspections. Anyone know?)

Tactile for the vision impaired. I assume the T stands for travel or transit.


Quote from: Buzz Killington on December 12, 2024, 12:00:42 AMTactile for the vision impaired. I assume the T stands for travel or transit.
Should have thought of that.  :-[
Looking to see where I had missed it in the TC stuff, found it is claimed by TC as a new feature for travel cards, AND it is claimed that in a world first, the travel card is manufactured from recycled plastic.


Quote from: triumph on December 11, 2024, 05:52:58 PM......
BUT a linked MyWay+ card has appeared in my account, and today it arrived in the post. So it was pre-linked prior to dispatch. Yet to try it out.

In the account, the linked MyWay+ card image has little indicators on each side. If you have other cards/devices (such as a credit card) linked, then clicking an indicator will cause one of these other cards to be displayed, and so on. If nothing happens, try clicking the other indicator.


Have now tried out the new MyWay+ travel card. Worked well.

Adding, under the card image in the account are bars. Each one represents a linked card (/device with virtual card?). Clicking on a faint bar(s) will bring up the card(s) associated with the bar.

Fresh comment:
First successful complete trip using QR today. Used for a Light Rail trip. Tap on was not instant but achieved. Tap off at Gungahlin required a successful attempt at a 2nd validator. Staff could not persuade the 1st validator to read QR. I noticed some users seem to have no problem but many were seen trying multiple times. (I am wondering if older worn protective screen covers on phones are degrading the QR read?)

Impressively, a few minutes after tapping off using the travel card, I accessed my MyWay+ account. The full transaction and travel history for the QR trip and the travel card trip were already showing. (It would be perfect if the fleet number of the vehicle(s) involved was also shown.)

Except for QR read issues, the initial bruhaha seems to have settled down.


Quote from: triumph on December 12, 2024, 06:17:25 PMExcept for QR read issues, the initial bruhaha seems to have settled down.

Everything seems to be mostly fine now, in my experiences over the last 2 weeks it looks like people have learnt that there is a new system and that they need a new card. I still need to get a MyWay+ card, but using a credit/debit card, which is what I've been doing works too, I just personally prefer using the actual card.

Buzz Killington

Quote from: triumph on December 12, 2024, 06:17:25 PMImpressively, a few minutes after tapping off using the travel card, I accessed my MyWay+ account. The full transaction and travel history for the QR trip and the travel card trip were already showing. (It would be perfect if the fleet number of the vehicle(s) involved was also shown.)

I checked my account five minutes into a trip today, and my tap on was already shown, with "no exit yet" as my exit location.

Fleet number would be nice, but I suppose it's only the users of this site that would want it.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Even with the old MyWay I would have to call 131710 to request the fleet number. Interesting to see that the taps are showing immediately, instead of showing up <24 hours later, that'll be handy down the track.

Has anyone tried to see how far away you can hold your card/phone from the reader? Being able to holster the card in a pouch, wallet without needing to take it out (provided there's no conflicting cards inside), or contactless like the old system allowed for without being right up against it would be good to know.

Barry Drive

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on December 13, 2024, 12:21:36 AMInteresting to see that the taps are showing immediately, instead of showing up <24 hours later, that'll be handy down the track.
Interesting? No.

That's the whole point of the new system.

It also proves that the old MyWay system did not use 3G, despite what keeps being claimed.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Not for someone like you, of course not...

I'm starting to feel dreadful with how long this is taking for me to get a card. You guys might be getting abused by the public 40 times a month, but now I'm starting to get abused by prejudiced bus drivers who think because I'm one of the "bus nuts" I should have one by now (or a credit card, or a phone etc). Sorry, but my living situation and disabilities just make getting a card that much harder. The Hyperdome or whatever the fk they want to call themselves now (South.Point) don't have a single store that provides them, yet they're advertising it as if they did, talk about false advertising... I'm probably going to be riding buses no more than 3 more times this year, luckily one of those times is a drawing location at Holder Shops - which just so happens to have MyWayMinus card provider. Fingers crossed they have one when I get there or I'm gonna be stuffed and the rude drivers will just have to wait another month till I can try again.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Got my card finally, damn that took forever. Will probably only get one use out of this year haha.

The registration process was a lot easier than I was expecting. Apart from the 365 day cap on the concession applying tool, that was very easy - didn't even ask for concession card numbers. Due to this being no where near as privacy breaching as mum had been hearing about on TV, I did hers too. No more sharing cards ;D


Quote from: triumph on December 11, 2024, 05:52:58 PMNo. But I did order one through my account about 2 weeks ago. Later that transaction history had disappeared. Later still the transaction and travel histories had again disappeared. BUT a linked MyWay+ card has appeared in my account, and today it arrived in the post. So it was pre-linked prior to dispatch. Yet to try it out.

MyWay+ card works without issues.

There is a wrinkle to disappearing records in the account. Going to the account, it opens at the 'Home' page. This page shows, amongst other details, buttons for 'Travel History' and 'Transaction History' with adjustable 0 to 10 item list. The travel history is 'on' to start with. NO date range is shown or selectable.

It turns out that the 'Home' page only shows very recent history, despite the selectable item list quantity.
To get older history, I have learnt,  requires going to a 'Summary' and, if needed, selecting a date range. But where is it? There is no direct reference to a 'Summary' on the 'Home' page.

On the 'Home' page at left is a column of selectable topics. One is 'Account Details' which shows personal/identity content. The next item below is 'Account History'. logically, this would seem to be related to 'Account Details' changes. BUT this is where the 'Summary' containing the selectable date range is to be found. Aaaaargh.

Bus 400

Tried out a MyWay+ card & debit card yesterday. 
The ticketing system works how it should. Both cards charged the same fare. Except the last trip. Even though my partner & I tapped on at Tuggy Bus Station. Apparently I tapped on at Tuggy Bus Depot & haven't tapped off yet. Apparently making the value on my debit card -$1.21. 
I loved how a passenger claimed to have lost her bus pass. So the driver asked where her bankcard was. 

The app on the other hand. Useless besides pre planning a journey. Which Google Maps already does. It could atleast show you your transactions. 

Don't get me started on the 3 accounts linked to my email address. That i only can log in with 2.


I have a few old Myway cards that I found while going through boxes. Found that you cannot go over $60, or you hit the "Balance Transfer limit has been exceeded" once you do! Still have two cards that I have no idea how much is on them.

I did have one where someone claimed it!  >:(

Sylvan Loves Buses

That's odd, I had over $60 when I did mine.


Quote from: Bidgee on January 27, 2025, 02:00:45 PMI have a few old Myway cards that I found while going through boxes. Found that you cannot go over $60, or you hit the "Balance Transfer limit has been exceeded" once you do! Still have two cards that I have no idea how much is on them.

I did have one where someone claimed it!  >:(

Hope you have double checked that you are using the official site and not a scam....  If a refund has been directed elsewhere then this should be brought to the MyWay+ Team attention, to help avoid it happening to others.


Was done through the official site. Have the app, shows in the transaction history and the balance is over $60 (one card had over $30 still on it).

Unfortunately I cannot remember what card had the amount taken already but it did state just over $9.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on December 13, 2024, 12:21:36 AMHas anyone tried to see how far away you can hold your card/phone from the reader?
Been trying this out lately, I've managed 2-3 inches with some readers which is pretty good.
Wish they'd fix the footprint for Woden, it's getting really annoying for a lot of people (and some drivers).