MyWay+ implementation

Started by Barry Drive, April 27, 2024, 10:50:06 AM

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Barry Drive

As has been revealed elsewhere, preliminary works for the implementation of the new system has begun on buses.

The promised "demonstration buses" have yet to appear, although they can't be too far away.

Since there have been no announcements, I thought I'd speculate about the roll-out: my guess is that the new system will be fully operational by the start of school term 4 (14 October).

Between now and then, we should firstly see an awareness campaign (with the demonstrator buses); this will then be followed by an enrolment campaign - the system will enable accounts to be created and new MyWay cards will be distributed.

Drivers will also need to be registered and trained on the new system prior to implementation.

Lastly, during the Term 3 school holidays, all of the buses and tram stops will have their equipment changed out. (Assuming they can all be done in two weeks.) This will probably result in free fares for two weeks and no operational real time system. During this time, any requested balance transfers will occur.

They might also extend the free fare period once the new system is functional.

Time will tell whether I get any of this right.

Feel free to add your own imaginary timeline.

Barry Drive

Two demonstration buses should have been unveiled today (812 & 813).

Here I was thinking that they would be able to remove all old equipment and install new equipment in two weeks. Instead they're planning for 6 - 8 weeks (October and November) for the system implementation. I was correct in assuming that no fares would be collected during the change-over period.

More details in the Minister's media release.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Can't believe I actually made it for once, it's been so long since I unintentionally arrived for one of these - no, I didn't know it was on, I usually find out the day after. Was just heading to ANU, and voila.

I happened to arrive just as the rain started pouring, so I took the opportunity to get a few rare rain photos without obstructions (excluding light poles)

I'll upload more photos when I get home tonight. Not sure if I've mentioned it before, but my current camera is no where near the quality of my previous, so if the photos look a little blurry it's not you.


I would LOVE to see more photos!!! I wish I could have been there to see it in person, but I'll probably find it on my travels at some point, especially when I go on my enthusiast bus trip.

Barry Drive

Have a look at this tweet:

* notes (1): 2 readers at rear doors only applies to artics and 722-751 and 800 onwards (excluding Renaults)
(2) MyWay+ cards are not "stored value" cards


From images 812 and 813 are two of the planned four MyWay+ demo buses. Wonder which are the other two?


I'm not 100% sure, but I would guess 814 and 815 when they are delivered. Could also be 2 of the new Scanias.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Damn, gas buses going before the last of the Renault's and some Irises, who'da thunk it.

Here's a snippet of the other photos I took, I'm sending them to Barry Drive for gallery consideration.

Bus 400

Definitely a skinnier BDC. 

I wonder if the buses on the new system will show up on the real-time apps. 

I assume the data feed will be different between the 2.

Barry Drive

The new "BDC" basically replaces the NXTBUS console - since the system doesn't issue paper tickets, there's no need for a console with an inbuilt printer.

I'm assuming one of the purposes of the MyWay+ "demonstration" is to test (and calibrate) the real time / tracking functions. It would make sense to also test if it reports correctly on apps, but that wouldn't be a high priority yet.


Do 733 and 748-751 have MyWay+ installed? I would assume 733 has it, but I am unsure about 748-751 since they were delivered before the system was announced.

Barry Drive

Quote from: L94UBbusfan on May 21, 2024, 07:13:25 PMDo 733 and 748-751 have MyWay+ installed?

Please refer to the Transport Minister's media release:
Quote.. four new electric 'demonstration buses' hit the road with new equipment installed.

There will be four buses. They will be electric buses. We know of two of them, so there will only be another two.

Once the remaining two are verified, it will be posted here.


I just don't see why these buses wouldn't be fitted with MyWay+ when delivered if the system is going to change in a few months.


Quote from: L94UBbusfan on May 22, 2024, 03:14:20 PMI just don't see why these buses wouldn't be fitted with MyWay+ when delivered if the system is going to change in a few months.
Pure speculation, but reasons might include:
  • Testing is still underway on the trial buses (of which not all four are in service yet) - should any troubleshooting be required, it's limited to just those four (for now)
  • Possible inability to run current MyWay/NXTBUS and MyWay+ simultaneously - given the trial buses are offering free travel, I suspect they'd want to limit the number of buses unable to collect fares
  • Consistent passenger experience - the four trial buses are (/ will be) MyWay+ branded to create awareness, whereas just another blue bus with it installed would be unexpected at the current time
  • Responsibility of MyWay+ lies with Transport Canberra - I could be mistaken, but I don't think ticketing equipment comes with the bus from the manufacturer. When the Yutongs first entered service, I believe MyWay and NXTBUS was simply swapped over from the Renault each one replaced. It's also been mentioned in the media that all MyWay+ hardware is already in Canberra, in storage.

Bus 400

I'm curious, will a Renault or 2 get MyWay+ upgrade. 

Re above, I wonder how different the wiring system is between the 2. Reading previous tenders/contracts, the buses are delivered with wiring set up for MyWay & (back then) NXTBUS. 


Quote from: 743 on May 22, 2024, 06:32:12 PMPure speculation, but reasons might include:
  • Testing is still underway on the trial buses (of which not all four are in service yet) - should any troubleshooting be required, it's limited to just those four (for now)
  • Possible inability to run current MyWay/NXTBUS and MyWay+ simultaneously - given the trial buses are offering free travel, I suspect they'd want to limit the number of buses unable to collect fares
  • Consistent passenger experience - the four trial buses are (/ will be) MyWay+ branded to create awareness, whereas just another blue bus with it installed would be unexpected at the current time
  • Responsibility of MyWay+ lies with Transport Canberra - I could be mistaken, but I don't think ticketing equipment comes with the bus from the manufacturer. When the Yutongs first entered service, I believe MyWay and NXTBUS was simply swapped over from the Renault each one replaced. It's also been mentioned in the media that all MyWay+ hardware is already in Canberra, in storage.

Some very valid points there. When you think about it, it makes sense to reuse an old MyWay system from a Renault.

Quote from: Bus 400 on May 22, 2024, 06:55:22 PMI'm curious, will a Renault or 2 get MyWay+ upgrade.

That is next to impossible. Unfortunately within the next month we will be down to just 4 Renaults remaining (if each bus in service is a retirement). So I HIGHLY doubt they would last until October.

Barry Drive

Quote from: Bus 400 on May 22, 2024, 06:55:22 PMI'm curious, will a Renault or 2 get MyWay+ upgrade.
We'll have to see what the fleet looks like at the time to be certain.

Any BusTechs still undelivered by October will need to have the new equipment installed during the build, and this will apply to new Yutongs as well.

This might result in buses being held back from delivery from September onwards and/or in new buses being stored until October.

Buzz Killington

Quote from: Bus 400 on May 22, 2024, 06:55:22 PMI'm curious, will a Renault or 2 get MyWay+ upgrade.

Does in-vehicle driver training involve use of the MyWay console?

Could be an option, assuming they retain one or two Renaults as dedicated training buses in some capacity - though I think they wouldn't want the optics of an "orange bus" getting around town once they're all withdrawn from revenue service.


Today I attended a MyWay+ event at Tuggeranong bus station. Here are my notes and thoughts from the event.

- All TC workers at the event were really helpful in helping the general public with explaining how the system worked.
- They had boards asking the public what they were most excited for with the new ticketing system, of which participants would place a sticker in a box above their favourite new MyWay+ feature, regarding payment and real time data. Using a smartphone and seeing the buses capacity were the most anticipated.
- 813 was at the event for the public to look at and go inside, as expected its the same as any other Yutong. It had a different new bus smell to the original 12, but 428 which I got on the way home had the same smell so it's probably some cleaner instead.
- I got a tour of the bus from one of the TC workers, it was interesting to see the new features and compare them to current MyWay
- Overall it was a useful event and it definitely taught me more about how the MyWay+ system works.


Except it is different  ;D 

Look Closely and there's lots of subtle differences