Recent posts

The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by triumph - February 12, 2025, 09:57:49 PM
814 (59)
823 (54)
817 (R6)
The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by L94UBbusfan - February 12, 2025, 08:17:40 PM
582 (23)
315 (25)
840 (26) - only 1018kms on the odometer
The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by Snorzac - February 10, 2025, 11:34:45 PM





456 (unable to finish my shift under its own steam) 
City Field Sprinter 


Canberra Metro / Re: Five New Trams
Last post by triumph - February 10, 2025, 08:39:51 PM
First ride in one (017) of the tranche of 5.
As expected, it seems largely like any other from the first tranche.
There are however detail differences. The most irritating is that fleet number with module identifications (C1 S1 R S2 C2) have disappeared (at least I couldn't find them) from inside the passenger areas. Looking in from the platform I did observe Fleet number with C1 high on the left (as the driver sits) hand side wall of the driver cabin. Presumably the C2 is at the other end but LRV left before I could check.

Another irritating feature is an intrusive repetitive two tone sound, apparently to indicate the doors are enabled for opening.

Some other detail difference examples noticed so far include different door pillar cross-sections at C module doors,  longer hand rails without curve at the same doors, a window breaking device inside on right hand cab wall, a seemingly wider PID on the cab bulkhead, and different destination legend eg 'ALG GUNGAHLIN PLACE' (didn't think to check if older fleet were updated). Do general users need to know where the service started from?

No doubt there are many other minor details that may be different.   
The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by triumph - February 10, 2025, 05:26:30 PM
Also 'Flora Explorer', the Australian National botanical Gardens electric, left hand drive, unregistered Gardens tour vehicle. Visitor Centre to site of 'corpse' flower which flowered (after 15yr wait) this weekend past, and return.
The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by triumph - February 10, 2025, 05:15:04 PM
017 (R1)
003 (R1)
General Discussion / Woden Depot / New timetable
Last post by Barry Drive - February 10, 2025, 11:11:10 AM
Although nothing more has been announced, Chris Steel mentioned in the Assembly last week that there will be bus timetable changes from Term 2, and that Woden Depot will open soon.

This will be the first en masse transfer of buses we'll have seen for a long time. I'd expect that all of the Yutongs will transfer, as well as a small number of diesel buses.

There will probably also be a bulk withdrawal of CNG Scanias - since there's been up to 18 new buses in service without a corresponding withdrawal. (If I've counted correctly.)
General Discussion / Re: MyWay+ implementation
Last post by Sylvan Loves Buses - February 09, 2025, 09:13:41 PM
Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on December 13, 2024, 12:21:36 AMHas anyone tried to see how far away you can hold your card/phone from the reader?
Been trying this out lately, I've managed 2-3 inches with some readers which is pretty good.
Wish they'd fix the footprint for Woden, it's getting really annoying for a lot of people (and some drivers).
The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by L94UBbusfan - February 07, 2025, 07:13:10 PM
Yesterday (6/2/25)
718 (30)
304 (23) - my first Irisbus trip of 2025
672 (28)
457 (26)
The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by L94UBbusfan - February 05, 2025, 08:16:10 PM
Saturday (1/2/25)
659 (R8)

Today (5/2/25)
582 (26)
563 (26) - got off just as it started to hammer down hail  :-\