MyWay+ : committee inquiry

Started by Barry Drive, January 07, 2025, 10:15:53 AM

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Barry Drive

Not long after the implementation of MyWay+, the ACT Legislative Assembly passed this motion to refer the project to a Standing Committee:

(1) this Assembly notes that:
 (a) the $64 million MyWay+ system was intended to be fully functional at the time of its launch on Wednesday, 27 November 2024;
 (b) the system was not fully functional at launch;
 (c) pre-launch testing was clearly inadequate and having the launch at one of the busiest times of the year was an error;
 (d) the Government has already had to launch an audit of potential overcharging on the fourth day of operation; and
 (e) the failed launch has created uncertainty and stress amongst Canberrans who rely on public transport;

(2) this Assembly requests that the Standing Committee on Environment, Planning, Transport and City Services inquire into and report on the procurement and delivery of MyWay+, including:
 (a) the initial, failed procurement of a MyWay replacement;
 (b) the decision to procure a bespoke product;
 (c) the capabilities and business case for MyWay+;
 (d) impacts and potential impacts on public transport confidence and usage;
 (e) the development and delivery of the MyWay+ system, including the adequacy of testing and consultation;
 (f) consideration of opportunities to improve the quality and transparency of public procurement processes in the ACT;
 (g) the sufficiency and quality of public communications before, during and after the launch of MyWay+;
 (h) the timing of the MyWay+ launch; and
 (i) an assessment of MyWay+ data security and any implications for users; and

(3) this Assembly requests that, should the Committee on Environment, Planning, Transport and City Services agree to inquire into the matter, the Committee report by the last sitting day of June 2025.

Not sure whether Committee hearings get published in Hansard, but the final report should be publicly available.

(While I agree some things needed to be done better, I disagree with the "failed launch" description.)


As a driver I'm quite frustrated that most of our complaints/suggestions are ignored. Scrap QRs and make it a digital myway card you can add to your wallet. Also geofencing issues on day one were prominent on most routes. After a few days an update made it so that most runs were fixed except for the R2 and 40 (that I know of), also interchange arrivals. Why after a month and a half have they not fixed those ones? The system feels cheap, the Samsung tablet BDC doesn't even have the processing power to be as quick as needed most of the time. Rant over, unfortunately so much more wrong than I care to write down...

Sylvan Loves Buses

I know right...
Also I think Platform 4 at Woden is still having geofencing issues. System's still not perfect either, I've only been on 7 buses so far this year (for which 3 of them have been 'to-be-retired' buses) and already I've encountered one that couldn't even work properly. Kept swapping between working and out of service. Would've thought with the "technology we have now days" that things would be faster too, but (esp with the QR reader) it feels slower than ever before. Drivers purposely leaving the interchange 5 minutes late is one thing, but card reader issues is another.

Barry Drive

Submissions to the Committee can be made by email to:

Or by mail to:

Standing Committee on Environment, Planning, Transport and City Services
ACT Legislative Assembly
GPO Box 1020
Canberra ACT 2601

Submissions close 28 February 2025. All submissions received will be published online, although contact details will be removed.

Please note, the terms of reference added option (j) "any other related matter".

Full details about the inquiry can be found at:,-planning,-transport-and-city-services/inquiry-into-the-procurement-and-delivery-of-myway-plus (Transcripts, submissions and questions will be published here once hearings commence.)