Mornings Before School-Part 1

Started by Snorzac, June 17, 2009, 10:57:25 PM

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Well here is part one of this series, which is one of those progressive series sort of like that 'Veolia Madness' series on the ATDB. These are not in the order they were taken in because of the way flickr uploads in alphabetical order.

First up, BUS 136 is seen operating a route 705 to Tuggeranong in the Cameron Ave Station.

Next up, BUS 144 is seen operating a route 43 at the Cohen st Bus Station.

Next, BUS 126 is seen exiting the depot. This is the only bus delivered as a .3a not to have a bike rack, 113 was of course modified after delivery.

Another .3a this time BUS 127 is seen leaving the depot.

BUS 915 is seen at the Cameron Ave. Bus Station operating a route 12 to Spence

BUS 362 is seen operating a route 3 to Cohen st Station in the Cameron Ave. Station

BUS 893 operating a route 58 to Cohen st Station.

Probably my best picture in this bunch, BUS 375 seen operating a route 318 to Lanyon Marketplace

BUS 984 leaves the depot to do either an Expresso or a School run.

And lucky last, BUS 954 is seen exiting the depot on it's way to commence a school run.