Bus 876 Accident

Started by Bus 400, June 26, 2009, 08:24:07 PM

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Bus 400

At around 17:40 this afternoon Bus 876 was doing a 9 to the City. The bus was travelling along Gooreen Street & had almost fully passed the intersection of Gooreen Street & Allambee Street, Reid. Then BANG!!, a Holden Barina went straight through the intersection & smashed into the rear wheel of the bus. The driver stopped & called it in on the radio, I ran over & checked on the other driver, he was all right. A few members of the public called the Fire Brigade & Police. While we were waiting a few twats came speeding down Allambee Street & almost hit the car in the intersection. Eventually the Police, Fire  City Supervisor came & an hour after the incident the driver drove the bus back to Belconnen Depot & I got a lift with the City Supervisors. But it was all good as I heard some of the old stories.

This is the offending vechile & the damage, it had been moved from where the incident occured.

The white mark on the tyre is where a headlight hit, the cover was removed by the Super

Another impact site

The offending driver was just in shock & the other 2 passengers in the bus were all right. The funny thing is that for the first time the driver had me & 2 other passengers, when normally the bus is empty. For those that are curious, I went with a different driver tonight.

ADMIN: Please do not generalise driver performance based on which depot they are based out of - R
That is correct, after finding out what my title was put down as on the Accident Form, each depot is the same in performance & quality.