Busways Renaults?

Started by Irisbus Rider, April 14, 2008, 11:44:22 AM

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Irisbus Rider

I was going through Busways' fleetlists, and I found this;
Quote from: Busways ATDB Fleetlists
Renault PR100 NCBC 1 733
Renault PR100-3 CC 510 4 683, 684, 702, 734
Renault PR100-3 CC CB50 20 653, 654, 701, 703, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724,
725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732
Is this a mistake? I had no idea Busways had 100.3's!!! And a PR100 NCBC bodied bus? What? This is odd, does anyone know what is going on here? Or can someone follow this up?

Sir Pompously

I always thought ACTION and TP were the only ones to purchase the .3. As for the PR100, Berliet were the original makers so it may be a possibility. Have you asked ATDB?

Sir Pompously

A Little bit of reasearch tells me NCBC began in 1985, along with the Production of the PR100.2. I do not know when the PR100 went out of production, but I would say around that time as the PR100 would have been going strong for about 10 years. I think Surfside had a Berliet PR100 unit, or atleast one other than our lovely Renault PR100 demonstrator was in Australia.

As for the 100.3's, production of the R312 (And I would presume PR100.3) finished in 1997. What year did the CB50 start production? It would have been after ABM were purchased by CC as they have a similar body style. Therefore, by process of elemination they couldn't be the CB50 could they? However I could be wrong as I am just speculating. The CC 510 I have never even heard of before! As I have said I believed the only PR100.3's were ours and TP1133 over in Perth, however I could be wrong. No one has ever really pointed any other ones out, and I don't think any photos were ever posted. The way it is layed out seems accurate, but I think we need confirmation. Anyone up for a trip to Busways next monday (Which just looking is all over northern NSW aswell, they could be bloody well anywhere!!)?

**EDIT** Also I see they have Renault MRC (I am guessing they are coaches), which are bodied in ABM Starliner, ABM SB50 and CC SB50