SCOOP - 724 back in service

Started by Buzz Killington, May 13, 2008, 07:08:08 PM

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Buzz Killington

Unfortunately no photograph, but today i glanced out the window at work to see a Mk1 artic going up the road with no ad on the left hand side... but there was an ad on the left of the trailer section (it was one of the ACTION ones - bike n ride i think).

Naturally curious, i looked up to see the rear fleet number - 724, and freshly applied fleet number too as it was in the larger font.

Didnt see the front fleet numbers but clearly bus 724 as the rear left fleet number and rear number plate indicated.

HOWEVER, the advertising on the left and right was only on the TRAILER section.

which i find quite puzzling - as 724 was reportedly having its front section attached to 703's trailer. But 703 was stripped of advertising whilst it was in Belco - So why does the front section (724?) have no advertising whilst the rear (703?) has on the left, the second of the bike n ride ads, and onthe right, the first of the bike n ride ads. You cant just rip these off and stick them elsewhere, so whats the deal???



It is the front of 724 and the trailer of 703, that is confirmed, so yes..confusion..

Buzz Killington

just had a thought - seeing as the ads on left n right are both ACTION - perhaps they had spares at the depot, chucked them on the newly connected halves, but then had to do a repaint on the front half.. who knows.. i'll keep an eye out

Jack Bauer

Quote from: Busnerd on May 13, 2008, 07:35:17 PM
It is the front of 724 and the trailer of 703, that is confirmed, so yes..confusion..

How unfair for 703 - 724 wears the pants

Buzz Killington

i was hoping 703 + 724 = 727 but alas..

Bus 400

How come they decided to use bus number 724 anyway. 1/3 of 703 is now back ion service.

Sir Pompously

Maybe because the front of the bus is 724? What would you prefer they called it? BUS-703+724? Or maybe BUS-703-24.

Who gives a bibble why they chose to number it 724, thats the way it is and for ever shall be.

Thanks for the report, good to see she is back in Service with her fellow 180.2's.

The Love Guru

You will find they had to use 724 as the number for their maintence records. The compliance plates would be from 724 and if they swapped them could lead to some confusion when it comes time to sell it with a service history.

Buzz Killington

thanks for that clarifiation chris

still doesnt solve the mystery of why there's no ads on the part that was 724, yet ads have mysteriously appeared on the previously clean-skinned trailer of 703!


Buzz Killington

Quote from: Busnerd on May 13, 2008, 07:35:17 PM
It is the front of 724 and the trailer of 703, that is confirmed, so yes..confusion..

crawled past the depot on coulter dr today and it is definitely the trailer of 724 sitting out the back where 703 was..


724 is now doing the school run 476