What bus did you get today? (2007-2018)

Started by Buzz Killington, December 02, 2007, 12:12:38 PM

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361 (with grumpy driver who was like 'you want a transfer? geez!') and 330

Buzz Killington

bubzie, were you in woden woolies today? if not, you have a lookalike


nope, i was in mawson woolies (blah! blah!!) but not woden...

ahh i have a  lookalike!! :D

Anyway, i predict i will get 360 (with stupid old guy. I seriously think for my own good i should get to school early, and get the bus before hand, which i think is an iris!!), a scania, another scania, and a dart. Bleugh.

Buzz Killington

lol you definitely have a lookalike then

Irisbus Rider

In recent times;
372, 342, 764, 850, 367, 373, 770, 300, 840, 875, 878, 108, 324, 338, DBL48 (which goes great!!!), DBL55 (on a non-airliner service), 147, 353, 906, 317, 362, 137, 978, 706, 373 (how awkward), 305 and most recently, 337.


334 and 310.

And some bogan mother didnt realise, that yes, she had to move her four-wheeled-dri...oh, i meant pram, so a guy in a wheelchair could get on.


Buzz Killington

god i hate those bogan women who think its their damn right to take up five seats by putting their pram in the wheelchair spot. Their freaking centrelink claim child is on their lap, so they should fold the bloody pram up

Irisbus Rider

Damn right, it just happens way too oftern these days.

Good on STA for banning these things coming in the back doors now, it's a start.

Buzz Killington

for the first time since 1/9/07:

349, 362

Irisbus Rider

359, 350, 372, 353, 874, 326, 952, 905, 883, 127, 845, 315.


Lol, bubzie got the bubzie bus :p

Yesterday 361, 347, 127, 845, 948, 964, 308

Today 931, 713, 720, 887?, 316, 333, 354.

Irisbus Rider

838, 997, 119, 892, 946, 849, 950, 830, 312, 983, 911, 120, 105, 304, 764, 911 (how awkward), 148, 878, 103, 988, 361, 308, 758, 709, 104, 993, 898, 892 (how awkward), 323, 144, 134, 313 and 119 (how awkward).


i so swear it was you on college st bubzie!


I so swear it wasnt me, why would i be in belconnen anyway?!?!

Buzz Killington

maybe it was her lookalike?

hey wait, its march!


Yeah, i was thinking that today, maybe its her lookalike who shops at woollies' near the one she was actually at.

Buzz Killington

ah, so you've seen her too then?

i think i saw her there on saturday again


857 and 763.

errgh. i think i'm destinied for a life of mk1s on the 315. oh yay.


T10, S59, R22, T60, S60, G5, M/O 9022, M/O 9513, Shorelink 102, M/O 9022

Irisbus Rider

Ooooh, a new type of bus? T60? G5? Never heard of those buses :P

Buzz Killington

Bus 400

Quote from: bubzie on March 18, 2008, 10:43:48 PM
i think i'm destinied for a life of mk1s on the 315. oh yay.

Only for a few more weeks as it becomes 11/111 soon. *With 10/110 being added when residents whinge too much.

*Speculation Only

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: Bus 400 on March 20, 2008, 12:11:03 AM
Quote from: bubzie on March 18, 2008, 10:43:48 PM
i think i'm destinied for a life of mk1s on the 315. oh yay.

Only for a few more weeks as it becomes 11/111 soon. *With 10/110 being added when residents whinge too much.

*Speculation Only
What the hell are you talking about? The 110 wwould go from Belconnen to Woden via Cook, Aranda and Macquarie, as well as BBP, Campbell Pk and Russell, if it existed.

And a few weeks? I think not.....

In recent times;
762, 873, 904, 888, 705, 996, 928, 301, 144, 790, 825, 926, 975, 150, 334, 370, 920, 360, 325, 156.


FFS! Stop talking nonsence!

anyway, today i got 334 (Actulary didnt break down or not turn up! thank god!), 345, and 363?

Buzz Killington

Irisbus Rider

Lately, 300, 361, 356, 968, 368, 313, 366, 361 (how awkward), 873, 304, 873 (even more awkward), 906, 311, 896, 930, 326, 366, 361 (incredibly awkward), 304 (scarily awkward), 304 (impossibly awkward), 311 (a little awkward), STA3444, STA1342, STA3044, STA1649, Busways567, HillsBus8269, 933, 145, 102, 359, 763, 318, 851, 981, 349, 305, 886, 709, 352, 883, 356, 932, 989, 948, 889, 357, 979, 945, 149, 309, 809, 853, 885, 951, 348, 939, 352, 760, 760, 956, 994, 765, 907, 947, 988, 110, 129 and 882.


371 With an open floor hatch
302 driver was listening to mix, all these asians kept getting on with suitcases
365 on the 935 displaying 35 Narrabundah on the desto
324 about 20 old people got on at kings ave, how annoying
129 i think the auto wheelchair ramp was used and the guy in the wheelchair got stuck getting off and couldnt get out and everyone had to help and the driver was sighing the whole time
315, somehow he'd done another 5x back to belconnen and then turned into the 300 i got it on, he also forgot to change his trip over from 51 to 300
358 the loud bell IS GONE!

Sir Pompously

NO LOUD BELL ON 358? Well its just lost all its fun, the Wheelchair Alert Bell was funnnnnn.




a dart of some sort, 323, 873, and 873 again (did someone say awquard? :D)

and i predict i'll get a scania or iris or something soonish.

Buzz Killington

awquard? what the hell??

oh right, calwell high and tuggeranong college.

Irisbus Rider

No, 873 was ridden after eachother, and is some what "Awkward".

Buzz Killington

*smacks head*

i was picking on her spelling you moron

Irisbus Rider

Oh, yeah, I can sort of see that....now.....




Buzz Killington


Irisbus Rider

It's been a while;

896, 327, 786, 781, 900, 137, 357, 318, 885, 118, 104, 975, 304, 848, 333, 971, 859, 119, 314, 948, 705, 138, 913, 958, 354, 365, 146, 895, 890, 830, 910, 343, 341, 868, 937, 364, 102, 913, 317, 962, 308, 991, 891, 758, 311, 926, 847, 895, 810, 338, 302, 338, 876, 941, 319, 982, 124, 338, 777, 930, 328, 843, 835, 323, 363, 785, 826, 874, 979, 891, 127, 931, 332, 886, 850, 869, 110, 926, 102, 817, 903, 336, 320, 361, 827, 133 and 950.

Well, you asked :P

Jack Bauer

Buzz Killington

Irisbus Rider

Lol, I can never tell those rhetorical questions :P

Jack Bauer

Buzz Killington

yesterday -

758, 312, 967, 358 and some other scania.

Yeah, thats right. i caught buses
