What bus did you get today? (2007-2018)

Started by Buzz Killington, December 02, 2007, 12:12:38 PM

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How could YOU possibly afford a car?

Or did you hire out M082?



Today I had:
342, 301, 838, 316 and 365.

Buzz Killington


today- i had 374 on a 60 at 15.01 from tuggeranong interchange :) later i saw it another 60


You lucky Bastard. We went out looking for it last thurs on the 63 but fucking 808 turned up instead.

Anyway today I should have got 342 and 305 in the morning but i slept in waking up as 342 struggled up the hill on my street, in the afternoon I got 998 and 328

Irisbus Rider

Ha ha, thats Robert shift, and his bus too :P (the 808 - 63 one)


I hate 808 it is a shit bus. We ended up ditching the 63 and getting on the 318


that baby 374 purred really awsome at 100km/h along the parkway and the new bus smell smelt sooo nice :)


Quote from: lukeo25 on August 18, 2008, 09:40:05 PM
that baby 374 purred really awsome at 100km/h along the parkway and the new bus smell smelt sooo nice :)

Dont they restrict them to 80 anymore?


it felt like 100km/h but i don't know if it was


i didnt catch a bus today!

nor did i drive a car today!

...i stayed at home, because im sick :(

tomorrow, i presume i'll get 710 on the 67, and a ..no idea what on the way home.


Quote from: lukeo25 on August 18, 2008, 05:55:12 PM
today- i had 374 on a 60 at 15.01 from tuggeranong interchange :) later i saw it another 60

Haha! How funny, a non gunzell friend of todd and mine, was on the service and was texting me telling me he was on it and sent me a photo of the rear with 60 on the desto as he got off.



he goes to our school too!

(I sure as hell hope i'm talking about the same person as mat is..)


oh, and today i slept in and missed the bus, so i drove the bubziemobile!


i was at WEX up in mitchell and caught 838 and another i can't remember



An S Set, M/O 9534, Busways #854, A V set, 3464

Buzz Killington


I caught the bubziemobile today.

Is it lame to say, i think the last time i caught a bus was.......more than a week ago?? oh my.



Today -
S set
V set
Forest CB50 bodied volvo
Forest B10M
K set
T set

Irisbus Rider



what route was 374 on. anyway i got, 309, 311, 338, 365 and 310

Sir Pompously

Quote from: acvbn on August 28, 2008, 01:38:34 PM
374 (Yes, the elusive MAN bus), 347.
A yes, a certain person by the name of Christopher informed me you got 374! I missed out yesterday, and so did he. He was going to get the 11 and missed it, and it was 374. I waited around at Tuggeranong and it went and layed over near the community centre. Anywho, I got the Toddmobile today as I had to work before the buses were in operation.


374 was doing the route 3 from Belconnen, I didn't have the time with me then, but probably was the 11:03 AM or the 11:33 AM from Belconnen.


342, 305, 995 and 129. There is some kind of curse with the 313 at 7.35 going past Page shops, twice with different drivers they have gone staight instead of going down ogilby, both time in 342, wtf


Quote from: Renault PR100.3 on September 02, 2008, 08:35:30 PM
342, 305, 995 and 129. There is some kind of curse with the 313 at 7.35 going past Page shops, twice with different drivers they have gone staight instead of going down ogilby, both time in 342, wtf

You can't expect Tuggy drivers to know where to go in Belco  :)

I have no idea where most of the 60 series runs go.


I beg to differ. It is an intertown run pretty simple run as well it shouldn't be that hard to work out especially when the driver goes up and down the route all day.

Buzz Killington

Fairly easy to get confused, given that more than one route travel down many streets. You cant expect every driver to know every route off the top of their heads. Hell, i put together the Routes section on this website and I wouldnt be able to name a route for a suburb let alone the directions.

Jack Bauer

Quote from: Charles Logan on September 03, 2008, 05:43:05 PM
You cant expect every driver to know every route off the top of their heads.

Interesting point. I'd expect them... over time obviously.. to at least have a fair idea of the whole network. But as a general rule from a passenger's perspective, you'd expect that your driver would know the route (even if they were going off those little direction sheets that you sometimes see). But there's always the exceptions - be it the driver covering for someone else on short notice and didn't have time to do the research etc etc

Buzz Killington

well.. if they're doing the same shift day in day out, chances are they're not going to remember other routes if they're filling in at short notice.. of course, they have the direction sheets. Could be a case of not knowing where the turn-off is (i.e they know they have to turn left somewhere but the sign is obscured or missing), or not really paying attention.)


I think that this guy should. He has being driving the service for the last 2 weeks. This must be the service for newbies because all the drivers in the past few weeks have being new. I asked them


Quote from: Renault PR100.3 on September 03, 2008, 07:15:07 PM
I think that this guy should. He has being driving the service for the last 2 weeks. This must be the service for newbies because all the drivers in the past few weeks have being new. I asked them

Not quite, it's probably a shift that isn't owned by any driver (or the shift owner is on extended leave) and hence gets a different drvier every week. 'Floaters' are disproportionately newbies.










374 the engine sounds so good


Seem to be my day for good buses


Was the driver of the 374 wearing a dark blue cowboy hat?


no. he was driving the 313 past Page shops at 735am. I didn't take notice of his hat but I have him tomorrow so I will look


I got an Irisbus this morning :D (I usually always get an old .2)
Clean and comfy ride.



Okay I now have a theory as to why 374 was at Belco. A Tuggy driver takes the bus for an Intertown northbound and drops it off at belco for a belco driver to have a chance to drive it. Because the Cowboy hat dude is a Belco driver I think.

Buzz Killington

Probably just a Tuggy driver on a meal break. They are often scheduled to take their break there, if they're nearby. I saw 371 there on the weekend, most likely there for the same reason.


Actually the bloke with the dark blue cowboy hat is a Tuggy driver, although he did have a stint at Belco for a couple of months, he went back to Tuggy when Network 08 came in.

Irisbus Rider

Today, 994 (Awesome kickdown), 336, 990, 980.



I got really annoyed as when we were doing a walk around T depot 377 was backed out of the workshops by a driver, so we thought that we could beat it down to the inter. So we sprinted and when we got there worked out that it had turned and headed to Woden. So we got on an Intertown to woden where it had already left, then to the city and Harrison followed by belco and my house, we got off the 74 and I ran to get my friends bike as the 313 was already a few minutes late while my friend waited at the stop, I got back into view of the stop and at that stop was 378. We took it to  Woden meeting with 'Irisbus Rider' and got off ready for Robs service and he turns up in 374. So after a morning of searching for them we got 2 in a row on services we were going to get anyway.

Buzz Killington

i trust Irisbus Rider took some photos of the MANs and will be posting them shortly?