Bus Withdrawals: State of Play

Started by Buzz Killington, October 13, 2011, 08:05:08 PM

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Buzz Killington

Renault PR100.2 / PR100.3

752 - Sims Metal
754 - ESA Training Centre Hume
755 - ESA Training Centre Hume
756 - AFP / Access Recycling (Feb 2015)
758 - ADF
760 - Sims Metal
762 - Sims Metal
763 - Sims Metal
764 - ADF
765 - Sims Metal
768 - Sims Metal
770 - Sims Metal
773 - Sims Metal
777 - Sims Metal
779 - ADF
780 - Private owner
781 -
783 - Scrapped for parts
784 - Westwide [TC 6843]
785 - Wayne's Party Bus Ballarat [7915AO] / Scrapped
786 - Sold (possibly to Sims Metal)
787 - Westwide [TC 6794]
788 - Westwide [TC 6826]
789 - Westwide [TC 6968]
790 - Westwide [TC 6969]
791 - Westwide [TC 6939]
792 - Private owner in Canberra.
793 - Private owner - Kalaru NSW
795 - Sims Metal
796 - Scrapped for parts
799 - Scrapped for parts
802 - Westwide [TC6842]
803 - "Pink Party Bus" [YHT-20M / MO-334 / NSW CO61UT]
804 - Scrapped
805 - Sold to private owner
808 - Scrapped/Sims Metal
809 - Scrapped/Sims Metal
810 - Scrapped for parts / Access recycling (Mar 2016)
811 -
812 - Westwide [TC 7061]
814 - Private owner/motorhome [unregistered]
816 -
817 - Westwide [TC7000]
818 - Unknown - (previous T trainer) partially stripped [removed from W depot]
819 -
820 -
821 - Westwide - being scrapped for parts
822 - Westwide [TC 7005]
823 - Scrapped for parts
824 - Westwide [TC 6795]
825 - Private owner
826 - Private owner
827 - Private owner
829 - Private owner
830 - Sold, Private owner.
831 - Private owner
832 - Private owner / For Sale at Pickles / unknown
835 - Private owner; sighted in Kambah
836 - Listed for sale on Ebay / unknown
837 - Canberra United team bus [CU 001] - unregistered, sighted in Flynn
838 - Owner of 836 indicated they also own this vehicle, no plans to sell.
839 -
840 - Private owner
841 - Left W depot Feb 2012 - unknown
842 - Scrapped for parts
843 - Scrapped for parts
844 - Scrapped for parts
845 - Night Cruiser Adelaide [SB 06 FS] / unregistered
846 - Bush's Yass / unregistered: seen at Kariong NSW
847 -
848 - Scrapped for parts
849 - Scrapped for parts
850 - Scrapped for parts / Access Recycling (10/5/2014)
851 - Scrapped for parts
852 - Scrapped for parts
853 - Left W depot Aug 2016 - unknown
854 - Scrapped for parts / Access Recycling (Sep 2016)
855 - AFP (Aug 2015) / B parts bus (2021) / scrapped (Jul 2021)
856 - Unknown - previously at W depot (Aug 2015)
857 - Unknown
858 - Unknown - previously at W depot (Feb 2015)
859 - Pickles Auctions
860 - Scrapped for parts / Access Recycling (May 2016)
861 - Scrapped for parts (previous trainer)  / Access Recycling (10/5/2014)
862 - Scrapped - Access Recycling (5/2014)
863 - Pickles Auctions
864 - Former parts bus - Scrapped
865 - Scrapped for parts / Access Recycling (Mar 2017)
866 - Scrapped for parts
867 - ESA (Oct 2019) / presumed scrapped
868 - Sims Metal
869 - Sims Metal

870 - Former parts bus / Scrapped
871 - Former parts bus / Scrapped
872 - Scrapped - Access Recycling
873 - Pickles Auctions
874 - Presumed scrapped / former parts bus (Mar 2018)
875 - AFP [presumed] (Aug 2021)
876 - Scrapped - Access Recycling (Sep 2016)
877 - Unknown - previously at W depot (Jan 2017)
878 - Former parts bus / Scrapped
879 - former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Aug 2018)
880 - Scrapped for parts / Access recycling (Feb 2016)
881 - former T parts bus / presumed scrapped
882 - privately owned (Apr 2019)
883 - Former T parts bus / scrapped (May 2022)
884 - presumed scrapped (Aug 2022)
885 - Unknown
886 - Former parts bus / scrapped
887 - Former T parts bus / scrapped (May 2019)
888 - Former B parts bus / scrapped (Dec 2020)
889 - Scrapped for parts
890 - Former T parts bus / scrapped (Feb/Mar 2023)
891 - Unknown - previously at W depot
892 - AFP [presumed] (May 2021)
893 - presumed scrapped (Aug 2022)
894 - sold for preservation
895 - presumed scrapped (Jan 2023)
896 - Former parts bus / Scrapped
897 - Wisby's Hobart
898 - sold for preservation/parts (with 894)
899 - Scrapped for parts / Access Recycling (Sep 2016)
900 - Former T parts bus / presumed scrapped (Aug 2019)
901 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Aug 2019)
902 - presumed scrapped (Aug 2022)
903 - Former parts bus / scrapped  (Dec 2018)
904 - sold/disposed (Sep 2022)
905 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (May 2021)
906 - Former B parts bus /scrapped (Aug 2020)
907 - AFP (May 2020)
908 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Feb 2023)
909 - Former T parts bus / scrapped (Mar 2021)
910 - presumed scrapped (Aug 2022)
911 - presumed scrapped (Aug 2022)
912 - Orange Wolves (CIT) - CIT Bruce
913 - Former B parts bus / scrapped (May 2022)

915 - Former B parts bus / scrapped (Feb 2020)
916 - former parts bus /presumed scrapped
917 - Former parts bus / scrapped (Dec 2018)
918 - presumed scrapped (Mar 2020)
919 - Former B parts bus / scrapped (Mar 2022)
920 - Former B parts bus / scrapped (Sep 2020)
921 - Former T depot parts bus / scrapped (May 2020)
922 - F depot (Jan 2018) - unknown
923 - Former B parts bus / scrapped (Nov 2020)
924 - Australian National Capital Artists (Sep 2018) [YMZ-46D] not registered
925 - Surface Festival / presumed scrapped (Mar 2022)
926 - sold/disposed (Sep 2022)
927 - Former B part bus / scrapped (Dec 2023)
928 - Former B depot parts bus / presumed scrapped (Aug 2022)
929 - Former B parts bus / AFP (Jul 2023)

931 - Former training bus / scrapped (Nov 2024)
932 - unknown / presumed scrapped (Mar 2024)
933 - presumed scrapped (Jul 2024)
934 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped
935 - unknown / possibly scrapped (Nov 2024)
936 - presumed sold / for sale (Jul 2020)
937 - unknown, presumed sold
938 - former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Oct 2023)
939 - former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Sep 2023)
940 - presumed sold (Jul 2020)
941 - Orange Wolves (CIT) - Scrapped
942 - former B depot parts bus / scrapped (May 2020)
943 - former Trainer - presumed scrapped (May 2023)
944 - Former Trainer - presumed scrapped (Jun 2024)
945 - unknown, presumed sold
946 - sold (Oct 2020) - motorhome [XQ 85VS]
947 - Former parts bus / scrapped (Feb 2019)
948 - Former T parts bus / scrapped (Mar 2022)
949 - presumed sold / for sale (Jul 2020)
950 - presumed scrapped (Jul 2024)
951 - presumed scrapped (Jul 2024)
952 - former T parts bus / presumed scrapped
953 - unknown (possible ESA)
954 - Former T parts bus / presumed scrapped (Mar 2020)
955 - At T depot (Jul 2023)
956 - Former T parts bus / AFP (2023)
957 - Presumed scrapped (Sep 2024)
958 - Pickles auctions (Nov 2024)
959 - Pickles auctions (Nov 2024)
960 - Pickles auctions (Nov 2024)
961 - At T depot (May 2023)

963 - Pickles auctions (Nov 2024)
964 - Former T parts bus / scrapped (Sep 2022)
965 - Former T parts bus / scrapped (Sep 2021)
966 - presumed sold (Jul 2020)
967 - Private owner [XA 11 AG] (Jul 2020)
968 - ESA (May 2022) / scrapped (Feb 2024)
969 - scrapped (Aug 2024)
970 - At T depot (May 2023)
971 - At T depot (Nov 2024)
972 - At T depot (May 2023)
973 - ESA [presumed] (Feb 2024)
974 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Apr 2023)
975 - At T depot (Feb 2023)
976 - Former training bus / scrapped (Nov 2024)
977 - At T depot (May 2023)
978 - At T depot (Mar 2023)

981 - Former B part bus / scrapped (Mar 2024)

990 - Scrapped - Access Recycling
991 - Sid Fogg's TV7060
992 - scrapped (Jun 2020)
993 - Scrapped for parts / Access Recycling  (Dec 2016)
994 - scrapped (Jun 2020)
995 - scrapped (Jun 2020)
996 - Scrapped for parts (presumed at Access Recycling) [Oct 2017]
997 - Former T parts bus / presumed scrapped
998 - Former parts bus / presumed scrapped
999 - Former parts bus / presumed scrapped

100 - AFP / Canberra Transport Musuem parts bus
101 - Former parts bus / scrapped (Dec 2019)
102 - Former parts bus / scrapped
103 - Unknown - presumed sold
104 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Aug 2019)
105 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (May 2020)
106 - ESA (Oct 2019)
107 - unknown
108 - Canberra Transport Museum parts bus (Jul 2020)
109 - sold by Pickles Auctions (Nov 2020)
110 - sold to BPS WA (Feb 2021)
111 - sold by Pickles Auctions (Nov 2020)
112 - sold by Pickles Auctions (Nov 2020) - listed for sale (Feb 2021)
113 - sold to BPS WA (Feb 2021)
114 - Canberra Transport Museum (Nov 2020)
115 - sold Nov 2020 - Sid Fogg's TV8497
116 - unknown/presumed scrapped (Jul 2020)
117 - unknown/presumed scrapped (Jul 2020)
118 - scrapped (Jun 2020)
119 - Former T parts bus / scrapped (Jan 2020)
120 - B parts bus / scrapped (Feb 2020)
121 - sold by Pickles Auctions (Nov 2020)
122 - Presumed sold
123 - sold (Sep 2020) - listed for sale (Jun 2021)
124 - sold by Pickles Auctions (Nov 2020) - listed for sale (Feb 2021)
125 - Presumed scrapped
126 - Former parts bus / scrapped
127 - Former parts bus / scrapped
128 - Former parts bus / Access Recycling  (Sep 2016)
129 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Aug 2018)
130 - scrapped
131 - Former B parts bus / presumed scrapped (Jan 2020)

Buzz Killington

Renault PR180.2 Artics

700 - Private owner
701 - Wisbys Hobart [D 63 EP] -- scrapped
702 - Wisbys Hobart (Parts)
703 - ACTION Write-off (2007)
704 -
705 -
706 -
707 - Sid Foggs [TV 3764] (withdrawn)
708 - Sid Foggs [TV 7118] (withdrawn)
709 - Scrapped [Access Recycling] May 2014
710 - Wisbys Hobart [D 90 EU] -- scrapped
711 - West Coast Bus Charters [unknown] - formerly Dee Decker Tours, Melbourne
712 -
713 -
714 -
715 -
716 -
717 - Sold through Pickles. Canberra Transport Museum (Feb 2021)
718 - Went to Pickles in July 2013. Sold. Location Unknown (Apart from a few days broken down near Hall)
719 - Went to Pickles in June 2013
720 -
721 - Sid Foggs [TV 3765]
722 - Unknown
723 - [BS 02 GO] - possibly Dee Decker (unregistered)
724 - Scrapped [Access Recycling] May 2014
725 - West Coast Bus Charters [unknown] - formerly Dee Decker Tours, Melbourne
726 - Unknown. Has left Woden Depot sometime since 20/2/14
983 - Sid Foggs [TV 7119]
984 - Wisbys Hobart [??]
985 - Sid Foggs [TV 6067]
986 - Wisbys Hobart -- scrapped
987 - Wisbys Hobart [XT-82CS]
988 - Sid Foggs [TV 7064] (stripped for parts)
989 - Sid Foggs [TV 6066]

Barry Drive

With the Darts now all removed from service, they will also be tracked.

132 - Private owner (last known as a partial motorhome conversion)
133 - unknown / presumed scrapped
134 - presumed scrapped (Nov 2020)
135 - Orange Wolves - CIT Bruce (Dec 2019)
136 - unknown (Oct)
137 - sold through Pickles Auctions (Jul 2020)
138 - Scrapped
139 - sold through Pickles Auctions (Nov 2020) -- offered for sale (Dec 2023)
140 - presumed scrapped (Dec 2020)
141 - Scrapped (former parts bus)
142 - Scrapped
143 - Scrapped
144 - Scrapped
145 - Orange Wolves - sold by Pickles Auctions (Mar 2020)
146 - Presumed scrapped (former parts bus)
147 - Orange Wolves - sold by Pickles Auctions (Mar 2020)
148 - sold through Pickles Auctions
149 - sold through Pickles Auctions (Nov 2020)
150 - sold through Pickles Auctions
151 - Orange Wolves - sold through Pickles Auctions (Jul 2020)
152 - Presumed scrapped (Aug 2020)
153 - unknown (Oct)
154 - Bus Qld Toowoomba [unregistered]
155 - presumed scrapped (Nov 2020)
156 - sold through Pickles Auctions (Sep 2020)

Scania L94UB

342 - presumed scrapped (Jul 2024)

352 - presumed scrapped (Nov 2024)

Barry Drive

Summary of stored/withdrawn buses:


322 324 325 326 344 345 349 356
961 970 971 972 975 977 978 979 {14}

312 325 697 (parts buses)
365 (awaiting disposal)

(subject to change / error)