Bus stops that have never been used

Started by 743, February 02, 2023, 08:40:24 PM

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Quote from: Northside on January 25, 2023, 12:56:16 PMIve noticed 2 new pairs of bus stops are in the process of being added to route 66 to plug some of the large distances between stops. Looks like they will be ready for the Jan timetable update. Stops are located at:

- Annabelle View, near the corner of Ken Tribe St (I think), Coombs
- Coaldrake Ave near Kondelea WY, Denman Prospect

This post got me thinking. What bus stops have been installed - or at least signposted, to an extent - and yet never been used by a regular route or school service? This might be due to incomplete road networks, changing plans for bus routes or any number of things. Perhaps some will be used in the future - perhaps not!

I'm only referring to bus stops likely to be used by a regular or school service, not bus zones likely for tourists or charters, e.g. many of those within the National Triangle, or at sports fields.

Here are the ones I can think of. Any others? I'm happy to be corrected if any of the below have actually been used before!

Cotter Rd at Stromlo Depot, eastbound
Harold White Ave at Bedbrook St, both sides
Woodberry Ave at Charles Weston School, eastbound

Banjo Paterson Ave at Tishler St, both sides

John Gorton Dr after Hazel Hawke Ave, northbound
John Gorton Dr opp Sculthorpe Ave, southbound
Sculthorpe Ave opp Shillam Ch, northbound

Horse Park Dr at Well Station Dr, both sides

Slim Dusty Cct opp Gaston Way, southbound
Gaston Way before Slim Dusty Cct, eastbound

Romberg Way at Holgar Cres (west), both sides
Romberg Way at Iwanoff St, both sides

MacFarlane Burnet Ave before Refshauge Cres (north), northbound

Barry Drive

Mapleton Ave just after Jenolan St had a marked bus bay, although the markings have now been removed.

(It's not actually that the bus route was planned, but for new suburb developments, the suburb plan has to include bus stops. It's then up to Transport Canberra to implement the bus routes which may differ from what the developer intended.)

There was planned to be a bus stop on Callam St across from the Southern Cross Club in the left turn slip lane. If you check Google streetview, the BUS ZONE sign can be seen in December 2009.


There's far too many in Gungahlin and Molonglo. Clearly developers just place bus stops randomly to fill a map and then TC have to play dot to dot to somehow work out a route to service them. Many just never make the cut.

I've found two more in Moncrieff:
O'Keefe Ave near Bon Scott Cres

The next are all single sided which really does limit their potential:

Another one in Macgregor on MacFarlane Burnet Ave before Ida Birchall Cres

Theres a definite weird one in Holt on Fullston Wy after Lionel Rose St

Watson has one on Antil st southbound after Tay st.

That's all I can remember so far...


Marvellous observations, Northside. Thank you!

I had seen the Fullston Way one some time ago - just forgot about it, apparently. And my observations along MacFarlane Burnet were apparently not very thorough.

Quote from: Northside on February 03, 2023, 07:49:05 PMWatson has one on Antil st southbound after Tay st.

This is an interesting one (well, to me at least). Prior to the residential development here, there was a bus stop in approximately the same position (not exactly, but close). You can see it on Google Street View and switch back the years. IIRC it was last used by the former Route 36 until its cessation. There was a pair of stops on each side of the road - but the northbound stop was not renewed during the roadworks. So it's either coincidence, or maybe a weird carry-over, that the southbound stop is now in place.

Barry Drive

Do these count:

There is what appears to be a bus bay behind the shops which would be the correct size for a bus terminus. There have never been any bus services which officially used that terminus, AFAIK

Similarly, at Copland Drive / Owen Dixon Drive there is a loop road which is similar to other J shaped bus terminuses (such as Fraser East). This was never used as a bus terminus as they used the Spence mini-mart instead.


Yes, I would say those definitely count!

Another pair I thought of - YARRALUMLA, Dudley Street just east of Cotter Road. Although, like the Antill St example, they kind of replace a previous pair of serviced stops which were further towards Novar Street.

Barry Drive

There's a set of stops on Clarrie Hermes Drive (Nicholls/Casey) just after Overall Ave.

There was never a regular route service past this stop, but was it ever serviced by a school route?


It is not just never used. There is a former stop in Joynton Smith Dr near Belconnen Mall that was repainted on the road well after the Action service was discontinued. It is there to this day in apparently regal unused glory.
I have searched and can't find a school bus service either - it is possible it is used by a private school service but I have not noticed any doing so. Can anyone confirm if it still has a use?

Sylvan Loves Buses

Joynton Smith has actually been used, just not recently.


I'd assume these stops will be used in the near future once buses service Jacka, but for now they are yet to be used.

Roden Culter Dr at Wacando St
Roden Culter Dr (halfway between Jacka and Bonner)

These stops both have bus stop markings on the road, but no signposts.