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Fleet / Re: Four CD Element 2s (748-75...
Last post by triumph - January 17, 2025, 01:05:42 AM
The 4 CD Element2s are reported in the media as being sent to Sydney for battery work to bring the daily range, on one full charge, to that advised by the vendor when the lease was entered into, being 400km.
It is expected that they will be back in time for the ramp up of school services.

The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by L94UBbusfan - January 14, 2025, 07:45:27 PM
667 (R8)
678 (R4) - saw 962 on Barry Dr, nice to see a Renault out and about
350 (R6)
516 (R4)
465 (R8)
General Discussion / Re: MyWay+ : committee inquiry
Last post by Barry Drive - January 12, 2025, 12:25:09 PM
Submissions to the Committee can be made by email to:

Or by mail to:

Standing Committee on Environment, Planning, Transport and City Services
ACT Legislative Assembly
GPO Box 1020
Canberra ACT 2601

Submissions close 28 February 2025. All submissions received will be published online, although contact details will be removed.

Please note, the terms of reference added option (j) "any other related matter".

Full details about the inquiry can be found at:,-planning,-transport-and-city-services/inquiry-into-the-procurement-and-delivery-of-myway-plus (Transcripts, submissions and questions will be published here once hearings commence.)
Fleet / Re: Bus withdrawals: 2024-25
Last post by Barry Drive - January 12, 2025, 12:11:06 PM
I've been trying to work out how many buses might be withdrawn in 2025, and I can't give a definite answer. Nothing I've seen suggests any fleet growth this year - all new buses are meant to be replacements.

We've currently got 6 Yutongs yet to enter service; based on the fleet size at December 2023 compared to December 2024, there are 3 additional buses in service; and we can expect at a minimum 30 new Yutongs this year (12 of which are due by June). There's been no word on whether we can expect any further Scania K320UBs.

So, on that basis, there could be 38* buses withdrawn in 2025. The number may vary depending on whether any more than 30 Yutongs are delivered.

There are 43 CNG Scania L94s in service with at least 12 expected to be withdrawn by June.

* Edit: 38, because 839 is the first of the expected 30 buses for 2025.
Infrastructure / Re: Infrastructure Discussion
Last post by triumph - January 11, 2025, 04:53:01 PM
Nope, longer than that.
We were dudded in 1998 - moving to Canberra, chose a dwelling near a bus route "being improved"  ACTION told us - route disappeared within a couple of weeks of moving in.

Am tempted to say the rot began after Ian Cooper left ACTION. As for Labor, as you say they mostly continued the deterioration, John Hargreaves, weekend services, disability compliance, etc. are just a few random items that come to mind. On the positive side, the electric bus fleet (44 on hand and rising), light-rail (a dominant positive), weathering Covid disruptions, and early expansion to recent new suburbs come to mind; but I find the positives harder to think of.
(It is yet to be shown, by the Standing Committee enquiry, if Labor through Transport Canberra or NEC are largely behind the MyWay+ dramas. But, as a positive, the vision was good.) 
Infrastructure / Re: Infrastructure Discussion
Last post by Sylvan Loves Buses - January 11, 2025, 02:33:10 PM
Yup, and it's all Labor's fault.
What were those signs along Hindmarsh Drive saying... "23 years is too long enough". That's exactly how long our transport infrastructure and networks have been deteriorating for.
Infrastructure / Re: Infrastructure Discussion
Last post by triumph - January 10, 2025, 11:42:19 PM
Sylvan, your comment touches on the broader issue of how badly public transport customers are viewed and treated. Other examples include integration of services and flexibility to account for late connections, disrupting services at the drop of a hard hat (construction sites), for events, providing stop shelters that often don't (Westfield Belconnen), services to places like Hall and Hume (ever needed to go to Hume to collect a parcel from a courier depot?), stops remote from shopping centres (Majura Park is terrible - cars prioritised over buses), spread of hours to suit workers (I recall a conversation near me by a teen explaining that they had to turn an employment offer down because of no suitable public transport). etc etc. I could go on, but better end this opportunity to rant about it.
The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by Snorzac - January 10, 2025, 09:48:24 PM




The Playground / Re: What PT did you get today?...
Last post by L94UBbusfan - January 10, 2025, 05:57:06 PM
Monday (6/1/25)
829 (25)

Today (10/1/25)
581 (26)
405 (18)
013 (R1)
458 (R4)
336 (47)
818 (66)
371 (71) - sounded like someone shoved a trumpet up it, it's a shame because it used to be a good one
512 (R4)
469 (R4)
455 (R8) - This service was previously operated by an Irisbus during school holidays, but it looks like that is no more  :'(
719 (25)

Achieved my personal goal of riding 10 buses in one day today, I would have ridden more if it didn't start pouring down when I was on 469, but alas. There was a minor issue with the MyWay+ readers on 469 and 719, but otherwise everything ran smoothly.
Infrastructure / Re: Infrastructure Discussion
Last post by Sylvan Loves Buses - January 10, 2025, 03:22:45 PM
Really glad I didn't decide to go shopping at Woden just now, it just started pouring. Why am I posting my thoughts about this here... I dunno, but let's just say I think they forgot to add something to the Woden Temporary Interchange that makes it easy for shoppers to catch a bus in the rain. No more literal concrete bridge cover or Corinna Street anymore... >:(