new vs old bike racks

Started by hilmet, September 03, 2008, 08:52:11 AM

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Hi - I am new to this forum, and have recently started using bike and ride.  I tried my bike on the test one outside the bike shop in Lathlain st, Belconnen and it was fine.  But the first time I used a bus it had the old yellow rack, and my bike doesn't seem to fit so well into that - even though the bike shop man said it was a std bike and there shouldn't be any problem.  The bus driver was a bit nervous about it and said some drivers might refuse to take me because the bike didn't seem to be secure - although we got from Woden to Belconnen without mishap.  Obviously, everyone is going to be happier if I use the new racks - so my question is - are the new ones gradually replacing the old ones?  If so, what is the planned timetable.  Are the new ones on particular routes??  I will be using the intertown between Belconnen and Woden - although I would love to be able to use the Xpresso direct, if they put racks on there too?

Any helpful adivce for a newbie much appreciated.


I think that what they are doing is putting the new bike racks on the newer buses eg. the Irises and putting the old bike racks onto the renaults. I fornd the old bike rack worded well with my bike and I have never used one of the new ones so I wouldn't know what they are like. They look a lot more secure than the old ones. Some of the older buses are getting bike racks but there is only a handful of belcos buses atm so I would stick to the intertown until they all have bike racks which shouldn't be to long.

Buzz Killington

Maybe one of the drivers can clarify this, but it appears that they have started with the Irisbuses (those are the green and orange buses without the big gas pod on top). There's only 20 of those buses.

All new buses (the MAN's - green and orange with the route number display on the rear) are getting these, but only one is in service at the moment.

I would imagine next would be the Scanias (green and orange with the big gas pod on top) would be next - there's 53 of those. I think one or two have been done so far.

Not sure of the timetable, but i suppose its possible that all Irisbuses and Scanias will have the new racks by the end of the year. I believe it was recently announced that ALL buses will be fitted with bike racks, but there's only 6 or so of the older Renaults that have racks so far.

Jack Bauer

Quote from: Charles Logan on September 03, 2008, 05:28:45 PM
Irisbuses (those are the green and orange buses without the big gas pod on top).

(the MAN's - green and orange with the route number display on the rear)

Scanias (green and orange with the big gas pod on top)

Top notch descriptions :P

Buzz Killington


Quote from: Charles Logan on September 03, 2008, 05:28:45 PM
Maybe one of the drivers can clarify this, but it appears that they have started with the Irisbuses (those are the green and orange buses without the big gas pod on top). There's only 20 of those buses.

All new buses (the MAN's - green and orange with the route number display on the rear) are getting these, but only one is in service at the moment.

I would imagine next would be the Scanias (green and orange with the big gas pod on top) would be next - there's 53 of those. I think one or two have been done so far.

Not sure of the timetable, but i suppose its possible that all Irisbuses and Scanias will have the new racks by the end of the year. I believe it was recently announced that ALL buses will be fitted with bike racks, but there's only 6 or so of the older Renaults that have racks so far.

They have got new bike racks on everyone if the Irises. Which Scanias have new bike racks and there is now 8 older buses with bike racks

Irisbus Rider

The Scanias will probably not receive new bike racks, and yes, the older ones will be used on the .2s and .3s, possibly the Darts.


Quote from: Renault Rider on September 04, 2008, 12:46:23 PM
The Scanias will probably not receive new bike racks, and yes, the older ones will be used on the .2s and .3s, possibly the Darts.

The Darts are going to look weird with bike racks on them. They will have to put the newer ones on them as they are light weight. I would doubt that a dart could have an old one as they are heavier.

Buzz Killington

i doubt it would make a difference which one they put on there. its not like the rear of the darts will tip up under the weight of a yellow bike rack..


you never know, they are that shit that they might

Buzz Killington

Irisbus Rider

Ryan is right there, it wouldn't make much of a difference.


Today when I had my friends bike on the MANs I found the new bike rack a lot harder to use than the old ones