Extension to taxi industry review

Started by Buzz Killington, May 08, 2010, 09:05:29 AM

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Buzz Killington

The ACT Government has extended the period for community input into a comprehensive review of ACT taxi services, Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said today.

"In response to requests from some key stakeholders to extend the response time to the complex issues raised in the April 12 discussion paper, I have extended the review period until Friday 21 May.

"These stakeholders have had strong involvement in the review - helping to shape the terms of reference and participating in a Reference Group which had involvement in developing the Discussion Paper."

Mr Stanhope said extra time was requested to enable the collation and analysis of relevant data.

"This will enable them to respond to the issues under consideration or to enable effective consultation with their constituent base.

"The community's ability to contribute to this review is critical. The review is comprehensive, complex and wide ranging, and I acknowledge some of these stakeholders now need more time for thorough feedback."

Mr Stanhope said the review examines issues such as the supply of taxi licences, performance checks for drivers, and regulatory changes to enhance taxi services.

"The discussion paper also looks at the processes and fees associated with licence renewals and whether the income for taxi operators and drivers is viable and appropriate."

He said the Government wants to ensure that Canberrans and visitors have access to safe, responsive and efficient taxi services.

"But at the same we need to ensure the cost of operating taxis remains viable for drivers and operators and the industry isn't being subjected to excessive and unnecessary red tape," Mr Stanhope said.

Submissions to the review close on 21 May 2010. Written comments should be addressed to the Project Officer, ACT Taxi Industry Review, GPO Box 158, Canberra ACT or emailed to taxiservices@act.gov.au. More information, including the discussion paper, is available at www.tams.act.gov.au/move/public_transport/taxi_industry_review