Old AOA Photos Added to Gallery

Started by Buzz Killington, April 29, 2009, 06:00:23 PM

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Buzz Killington

ATDB User 'Venturatiger' has kindly granted permission for us to upload his photographs to our gallery. Hence, the following are now available for your viewing enjoyment:

101 - Daffodil Day
108 - Floriade
109 - Farewell Mal Meninga
674 - Summernats
751 - Olympic Football
760 - West Belconnen Leagues Club
775 - Marconi
853 - Kahlua
873 - WIN News
880 - Varekai
948 - Tooheys New
978 - Aussie Home Loans
979 - VIP Home Services
981 - Recycling
990 - Natural Gas
990 - AGL
992 - Nara
994 - Parliament (2 photos)
995 - Yellow Pages
997 - CIT

More to come, so check back soon!

Buzz Killington

More added today:

751 - Compost
775 - Police
798 - Canberra Festival
869 - NRMA
872 - ACTION
875 - Let's Keep it Local
963 - Fossil Fuels
967 - Fossil Fuels
971 - Fossil Fuels
977 - NRMA

Buzz Killington

And the final batch..

760 - ACT Institute of Sport
808 - National Gallery
872 - Film and Sound Archives
873 - National Trust
880 - Botanic Gardens
941 - AIS
980 - ANU
982 - Aboriginal