Raiders Suck-Time for some Artic Pics!

Started by Snorzac, July 27, 2009, 05:16:17 PM

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Well yesterday since the Raiders were just shit I left the stadium 15mins. early to get some artic pics as well as a rigid and some coaches.

First up it is Mk I artic BUS-708 which was operating the Dickson Tradies service.

Next it is Mk II rigid BUS-919 operating to one of the other clubs running rather low on air at the rear.

Mk II artic BUS-984 is seen doing the Belconnen and Charnwood Labour Club service.

BUS-983 doing the West Belconnen Leagues Club shuttle at the front of the pack with a very sad looking 985 behind.

BUS-988 on its lonesome doing the Belconnen Bus Statins run.

724/703 still with the ACTION Intertown logo on the side doing the City, Woden, Tuggeranong shuttle.

An Allens Volvo B7R with NCBC? Bodywork.

An unknown Daewoo, possibly TBX going by the 'Wombat' sign......God forbid.

One of Stonestreets of Toowoombas  new Denning Pheonixes, the one registered 02 PHX

Buzz Killington

Great pics of 988 and 724!

Did you happen to get any others of 724? It's really quite seamless how they've chucked two halves together on that one!


Buzz Killington

haha, budget. They just peeled off the '03' part.

Sir Pompously

Sighted that Stonestreets Phoenix at the Airport the other day, my god it is very nice. Either it is brand new, or they keep it in beautiful condition!

The Love Guru

You might find that the bus with the "WOMBAT" sign is from an operator in the Young/Harden area, as there is a town called Wombat between the 2.

Buzz Killington

"wombat" ?! damn backwater hicks.

at least they were in belconnen, amongst their own kind.