Featured Bus
Top 15 buses: Scania L94UB 4×2
#10: there are 54 Scania L94UB 4×2 (CNG) buses in the ACTION fleet.
#10: there are 54 Scania L94UB 4×2 (CNG) buses in the ACTION fleet.
🏆Bus 644 📷 ‘King of Buses’
Mar: Bus 639 | Apr: Bus 353 | May: Bus 430 | Jun: Bus 991 | Jul: Bus 606 | Aug: 7555-MO & Bus 553 | Sep: Bus 658 | Oct🏆: Bus 644 | Nov: Bus 517 | Dec: Tram 004
🏆 Bus 716 📷 J Tokaji
Feb🏆: Bus 716 | Mar: ZIB-589 | Apr: Bus 447 | May: Bus 508 | Jun: Bus 537 | Jul: Bus 348 | Aug: ex-Bus 494 | Sep: Bus 835 | Oct: Bus 673 | Nov: Buses 556 & 544 | Dec: Bus 553
[July/August 2014]
Bus 320 is a Scania L94UB CNG bus with “CB60” body by Custom Coaches, which entered service on 2 July 2004.
🏆 Bus 989 📷 ‘AOQ961’
Feb: Bus 508 | Mar: Bus 141 | Apr: Bus 518 | May: Bus 808 | Jun: Bus 356 | Jul: Bus 503 | Aug: Bus 142 | Sep: Stop #3213 | Oct: Bus 311 | Nov: Buses 450 & 389 | Dec: Belconnen Depot
The Photos of the Month for 2012.
[🏆 Photo of the Year is TV3594 on Barrine Dr. 📷 T Milton]
ACTION have 54 of the Scania L94UB CNG Model, all of which are based at the Tuggeranong Depot
🏆 Bus 345 on Sulwood Dr 📷 Todd Milton
Jan: Bus 790 | Feb: Bus 379 | Mar: 4548-MO | Apr🏆: Bus 345 | May: Bus 815 | Jun: Bus 367 | Jul: Bus 377 | Aug: Bus 954 | Sep: Buses 405 & 420 | Oct: Bus 390 | Nov: ex-Bus 670 | Dec: Bus 398