Which Terminus #39 - Expires 5th January

Started by Sylvan Loves Buses, December 18, 2018, 10:49:37 PM

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Sylvan Loves Buses

How good are you at identifying bus terminii and interchanges of Canberra from the skies?

Get it right and you get to contribute to my monthly bus drawing collection.

Game rules:

  • 1 entry/guess each*. Please do not private message the answer to me, there is no shame for posting an incorrect answer - there will be many other opportunities to contribute.
    Hints will be posted regularly to aid those who are unsure or to encourage those who do know the answer. If no one guesses before the date limit, the round will be cancelled and no one will be selected to contribute for this month's drawing.
  • In your entry, please state the Terminus, Interchange/Station or Suburb, please do not use bus stop numbers or street names unless requested. However, participating will require your input for the artwork, so please be aware of this when posting. Failing this will result in a strike to my private statistics list.
  • Previous winners and striked users are still allowed to contribute. However there is a period of time that the post will be invalid to allow new users and less frequent winners to have a go - If another user who is not within the invalidation parameters has the same correct answer as someone who does, they get priority.
    The invalidation time expires after:
    • 1 Win = 3 days after round commences
    • 2 Wins = 4 days after round commences
    • 3-5 Wins = 5 days after round commences
    • 6+ Wins = 1 week after the round commences
    • 1 Strike = 3 days after the round commences
    • 2 Strikes = 5 days + 1 other submission after the round commences or 1 week before expiry date if no other submissions
    • 3 Strikes = 1 week + 2 other submissions or 1 week before expiry date if no other submissions
    • 4+ Strikes = 2 weeks + 3 other submissions or 1 week before expiry date if no other submissions
    • 2 consecutive wins from the previous two rounds = 2 weeks after the round commences
  • No disputes/controversies over my naming of each location.
  • No cheating or copying other users answers - or at least admitting to it.

Instructions will be privately messaged to you soon after you submit the correct answer. I do have limitations in what I can draw, I will notify you to discuss alterations if something is not possible.
The due date is also valid for submitting details. A reminder will be sent to you a few days beforehand, but if nothing is received the round will cancel as normal and you will automatically receive said strike. I may even cancel a round before the date if an inspiring idea comes to mind - you will not receive a strike if this occurs

*If enough incorrect submissions are made, a second round of submissions will be accepted.

What does this one look like?

Note to Admin: Is there an edit function I can use here where I can hide text that can be viewed if selected?

Sylvan Loves Buses

Toyota Camry

Duffy Terminus at  Burrinjuck Cres; or alternatively, Theodore Terminus.

Buzz Killington

Sylvan Loves Buses

The drawing is done, however my laptop is currently being serviced so the images won't be available for a few more days. This also interferes with the expiry date for the next round as the dates will now be more strict as I'll be starting studies at the ANU at the end of February. Next round has been selected and I've had another request from a retiree, details will be added as soon as I get my laptop back.

Sent from my PS4.

Toyota Camry

Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on January 25, 2019, 06:59:12 PMThis also interferes with the expiry date for the next round as the dates will now be more strict as I'll be starting studies at the ANU at the end of February.
You will not be at ANU 24/7; you can post on here at times of day when you are not there, if you need respite from study you may choose to ride a 3 or 934 bus.

Sylvan Loves Buses

The push for a shorter expiry date for the following rounds will be due to my uncertainty of my timetable. If it is not so bad, I may not have to worry so much, but I do believe I will have much more work to do than what I had at CIT, which means less opportunities to go to the specific locations that may be chosen for each month - some are more difficult to get to than others. Also the 3 doesn't stop at City West to my knowledge, besides I'd probably be more likely to get the 6 to go have a meal or some fun at the German Harmonie Club.

Any who. Unfortunately due to my laptop having a factory reset, it is no longer responding to my printer's scanner drive (and I can't download anything cause the model is too old), so I'm stuck with my other camera which takes a very unorthodox 1.5 UC-E6 USB cable which I'm lucky to already own thanks to the bus movie project I was working on at CIT and never used. So for now until I can figure something else out, pictures will have to do - which is ironic since a printer ad is in this drawing.

This round Buzz asked me to replicate a photo of Bus 900 sitting at the entry of Tuggeranong Bus Interchange's set down with the XEROX coloured printer ad. Unfortunately I forgot a bush in a particular spot on the island, so I couldn't get the right angle and lost out on the second part of the ad.