375 in the city

Started by Snorzac, October 05, 2008, 10:07:59 PM

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Irisbus Rider

Repost, lol.

Yeah, T970's a funny one. Good bloke.


Am i missing something there? or are you just on the wacky backy again?

Irisbus Rider

Lol, you're right on both cases :P

He reported in a previous post of this photo that "T970" was behind the wheel, T970

Buzz Killington

this photo sure caused a bit of a brew-ha-ha on ATDB...

Irisbus Rider

Lol, yeah, it was funny :P

But, honestly, it is a pretty poor quality photo, but it is scoop. So, I guess it evens out.


I don't know what is the problem with that Green Sock Puppet or as Busrider from the ATDB says The Green Cock Puppet, and then he had a go at Evo II Man or is it still Busned on this?

Irisbus Rider

Yeah, that user is weird, forget it.

Just keep working on those photos, remember, practice makes perfect.


I'm taking my camera tomorrow when I go MAN hunting, I am addicted to that new bus smell

Irisbus Rider

Lol, aren't we all :P

Out of curiosity, what type of camera do you have?


Some Kodak thing, not that good but photos come out alright, I will probably get a good camera when I go to Japan next year

Irisbus Rider

Fair enough.

I'll probably be out tomorrow too, but I'll be on a social trip, haven't seen a few bus drivers in aaaaaaages....


What time are you going? My friends and I are meeting at Belco at 9 and are looking to catch the 9:09am 319.

BTW your driver friend Rob does a 318 that leaves Belco at 4:09 and runs a 318 in at about 4pm. I know this because I had him driving 375 from T to B on Friday.


ROFL your gonna go Hunt Men. Dont Say that to loud!  ;D

Buzz Killington

thats not even funny, nor does it make sense.


Quote from: Trolleybusracer on October 06, 2008, 08:53:21 PM
ROFL your gonna go Hunt Men. Dont Say that to loud!  ;D

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Buzz Killington

i dont see bubzie in that room, she must be out of shot.

Irisbus Rider

lol, the best men are always the hardest to find :p
thanks for those times for rob., i should be out by 9 from belco too.


Rob's a funny guy, try and get that 319 at 9:09. From what I've heard you are are very easy to recognize. It would be good to meet someone from the forum that isn't a driver

Irisbus Rider

lol, the hard part will be waking up that early, but very worthy for rob. he's cool.


Yeh, his first intertown run isn't till 2ish.  think he starts at about 9 with a 6#. Not to sure then. I may also try to track down Fraser. He normally takes 970 doesn't him


Quote from: MAN 18.310 CNG on October 06, 2008, 10:30:24 PM
It would be good to meet someone from the forum that isn't a driver

What's wrong with drivers?


They're cool, I just haven't met anyone else


i saw 375 in belco on friday and also saw 376 going 2wards civic (yeah i go2 belco only for the pool and bus spoting)

Irisbus Rider

ah, he starts at two, i see.
well, i missed that 319 anyway lol. according to my watch, it was early :p
thanks for the man sightings too, i'll have to keep my eye out.


Yes, you seemed to be on the bus behind us all day until 378, that lucky driver, then there's Rob, a MAN for 2 afternoon shifts in a row.


Quote from: Champ Kind on October 06, 2008, 09:06:11 PM
i dont see bubzie in that room, she must be out of shot.
She's off with the fairys, sorry :P

Sir Pompously

Quote from: MAN 18.310 CNG on October 07, 2008, 07:50:43 PM
Yes, you seemed to be on the bus behind us all day until 378, that lucky driver, then there's Rob, a MAN for 2 afternoon shifts in a row.
Rob is only a Man for two afternoon shifts in a row? I better ring him up to confirm that, I am sure he is a Man all day every day.


No, He has a standard bus on his first half and a gassie on the second half.

Irisbus Rider


Both of you crack me up.


Quote from: Busnerd on October 08, 2008, 04:45:02 PM
No, He has a standard bus on his first half and a gassie on the second half.

I don't think you really got the joke, but you are right, I got his 10 this morning, he had 920 and got really annoyed because he picked up a bus of schoolies in the city. He has one of only 2 10s that goes from Belco to Fairbairn


BTW anyone know if he had a MAN today for his arvo shift


He apparently had a scania


haha, he really wanted another MAN this morning.

Sir Pompously

368 I think it was. So, did you enjoy your ride on 378 today?


yes I did, same driver as the day before.


He had 377 today as Todd knows, yesterday he had 369 which broke down on him

Irisbus Rider

Robert had 377 today?

I saw him in 356.


Don't know what he was doing with that, apparently he took another drivers bus (377) for the afternoon and he had 92# for the morning, but he had 377 for sure. I have some interior shots that didn't come out to well, he had to restart it at every interchange because of an electrical fault which was stopping the stop alert from buzzing for more than 2 rings. So after the 2 Todd and I had to tell him which was we regularly forgot to do. I will ask him tomorrow if he was filling in or something.