Media Release – Alistair Coe MLA

Simon Corbell’s announcement that the Labor Government will spend $200,000 on a feasibility study to ‘better understand public transport expectations along Adelaide Avenue’ shows how much money this government is prepared to waste, said Alistair Coe, Shadow Minister for Transport Services.

“This is yet another example of the Labor Government wasting taxpayers’ money, with absolutely nothing to show for it,” Mr Coe said.

“For $200,000, we’re not getting any more routes, we’re not getting any more buses, we’re not getting any more stops and we’re not getting any more drivers. What we are getting is a $200,000 piece of paper.

“It’s another sham announcement from a government that has realised, after 11 years, that local services do matter. Unfortunately, 11 years have also proved that they are unable to actually deliver.

“While the question of bus stops and public transport is worth asking, surely ACTION and TAMS have the capability in-house to consider such options.

“Wasting money on consultancies is becoming core business for the ACT Labor Government. Between the abandoned Government office building, abandoned Hawker shops proposal and this proposal, around $10m has been wasted.

“Simon Corbell is spending taxpayers’ money on a consultant so he can hide behind the report if it’s popular or distance himself if he doesn’t like it,” concluded Mr Coe.

This page was last updated on 21 February 2012