ACT Government – Territory and Municipal Services Media Release

Full time ACTION bus driver, Mr Robert Meizer, has won the Best Individual Contribution to Workplace Health and Safety at the 2011 Safe Work ACT Awards held yesterday, Wilhelmina Blount, Acting Director of ACTION, said today.

“I’d like to congratulate Robert on receiving this accolade in recognition of his hard work and dedication toward improving workplace health and safety conditions for ACTION staff,” Ms Blount said.

“Robert is employed by ACTION as a full time bus driver based at the Tuggeranong Bus Depot, and has been on the team of elected Workplace Safety Representatives since 2009. This position requires Robert to represent the health and safety interests of approximately 300 bus drivers operating at Tuggeranong. This is a considerable responsibility and one that he does not take lightly.”

Ms Blount said Robert’s professional conduct coupled with his ability to provide practical and realistic advice has resulted in the successful resolution of several occupational health and safety issues.

“Since his appointment as a Workplace Safety Representative, Robert has made an outstanding contribution to enhancing work safety in ACTION across a wide range of areas including:

  • conducting a study to confirm that drivers are not exposed to noise levels aboard buses that exceed safety standards;
  • trialling and evaluating new driver seats and developing a seat replacement scope;
  • assessing the safety risks of opening the rear doors of buses more often to ensure a balance between passenger safety and ease of alighting from the bus;
  • providing advice on how to best position ticket consoles to minimise the risk of occupational overuse syndrome; and
  • trialling and evaluating the replacement radio system.

“Robert has demonstrated an unprecedented enthusiasm and commitment to occupational health and safety issues. He works collaboratively with his colleagues, senior management and the Transport Workers Union to improve work safety at ACTION.

“Robert also won a second award from the Safety Institute Australia (SIA) in recognition of his achievements with the opportunity to attend SIA’s awards ceremony in Melbourne next year. This is the first time this award has been offered in the ACT.

“This award pays tribute to one individual’s commitment to workplace health and safety. Through his professionalism, diligence and solutions-focussed approach, I’m sure Robert will continue to contribute to and enhance work safety conditions in ACTION.”

This page was last updated on 14 October 2011