ACTION Buses launched an official Twitter service today, six months after ACT Bus commenced our campaign for such an account. The service will provide followers with reports on changes to bus services and timetables, event-related information as well as notification of consultation opportunities and new bus-related infrastructure.

The Twitter service “will allow ACTION to communicate instantly and directly with the public, particularly the growing number of people who use smartphones,” Director of ACTION, James Roncon said. It does not, however, allow users to submit feedback to ACTION – customers will still be required to do so by telephone or internet.

“The site will focus on informing the community of major changes, such as road closures, that might impact on their bus services. While it will not be possible to send a tweet about every bus that might be running a couple of minutes late, it is another step ACTION is taking to improve its information to the public.

“The ACT Government recognises that improving information delivery to passengers is a key way to encourage more people to use public transport.”

Mr Roncon said the ACTION Twitter site will be operational between 8.30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. It will be updated with significant service changes on weekends or after hours as necessary.

The ACTION Twitter feed can be found at @ACTIONbuses

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This page was last updated on 26 April 2021

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