Media Release: Jon Stanhope MLA, 16 November 2008

The number of cyclists using bike racks on ACTION buses and travelling for free reached a record of 356 users in a single day on Tuesday 28 October, Chief Minister and Minister for Transport Jon Stanhope announced today.


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The average weekday patronage for October was 295 bikes – a 28.7% increase from the previous month.

The Bike ‘n’ Ride program was introduced in 2005 as part of the ACT Labor Government’s Sustainable Transport Plan and has also become a part of our Climate Change Strategy Weathering the Change.

“Bike ‘n’ Ride encourages more Canberrans to consider sustainable transport options, such as bikes and buses instead of their cars, by mixing exercise with public transport for free,” Mr Stanhope said. “For instance, it allows users to ride to work and catch a bus home. Or you can ride to the nearest bus interchange and catch a bus the rest of the way.

“It is pleasing to see so many Canberrans using Bike ‘n’ Ride that we’re now seeing record use of bike racks on ACTION buses.

“In just three years, usage has increased from 200 bikes a week to a record 1,941 bikes in the week beginning 27 October 2008.

“The installation of bike racks on buses has opened up many travel options for the cycling community with distances that were once too great for a cyclist now combined with bus travel to make the trip possible. Cyclists can now get from one side of Canberra faster by hopping on a bus for part of their trip, making cross-town travel possible with a bike.

The ACT Labor Government has committed $415,000 to the Bike ‘n’ Ride program and there are now 129 racks fitted to ACTION buses.

Bike racks are currently dedicated to buses travelling on Intertown Routes with passengers who use the bike racks travelling for free on ACTION buses

For more information on how to Bike ‘n’ Ride call ACTION on 13 17 10 or visit

View original media release on Internet Archive

This page was last updated on 6 August 2022