Media Release – Meegan Fitzharris MLA
The Blue Rapid bus will be extended to Lanyon from mid next year, offering a new service for Lanyon Valley residents to Tuggeranong, Woden, Civic and Belconnen every 15 minutes or better.
Minister for Transport and City Services Meegan Fitzharris said the extension was part of a number of improvements the ACT Labor Government will make to the bus rapid network over the next few years.
“We know our rapid bus network, which Labor introduced in 2010, is hugely popular. In fact, the Blue Rapid is our most popular bus route. During 2015-16 Blue Rapid Services carried 4.03 million passengers, which was 23 per cent of ACTION’s total bus boardings.
“Next week the Blue Rapid will extend to Kippax along Southern Cross Drive to take advantage of upgraded bus stops and give West Belconnen residents a quicker journey.
“And I’m pleased to announce that in 2017 we will extend the Blue Rapid to Lanyon as well. I know residents in Lanyon are looking forward to this new service, which will make it even easier to choose public transport.
“We want to improve public transport no matter where you live. We have started stage one of light rail, which will integrate with our bus network, and we are building on our rapid network to make it even easier to choose public transport.
“Over coming weeks I will have more to say about how we are improving our bus network, and adding more rapid services to encourage more people to give public transport a go.”
Local MLA Mick Gentleman said, “The announcement of a brand new rapid bus route to Lanyon Valley will reduce congestion significantly for Lanyon Valley residents and is a welcome announcement for the area. This announcement shows the Government working for Tuggeranong.”
Local MLA Joy Burch said, “I’ve spoken to many people who have said they want to see more frequent services, so it’s great the popular Blue Rapid will be extended to the Lanyon Valley.”
Minister Fitzharris said the recent public transport survey found people want public transport to be quicker and more frequent, and that’s exactly what expanding our rapid bus network will deliver.
“Expanding and integrating our light rail network, and providing more rapid bus services that integrate with light rail and our walking and cycling network, will encourage more people to use public transport.
“The Canberra Liberals on the other hand want to cut services, tear up light rail costing the community $300 million for nothing, and they want to put more traffic on our most congested road.
“The ACT Labor Government is committed to improving public transport, and introducing new services that people want. We recently introduced a new free City Loop, which is already proving a success with Canberrans and has already carried over 10,000 passengers since 1 July, and our new timetable starts this weekend with improved services all over the city,” said Minister Fitzharris. To plan your travel visit or call the Transport Canberra Information Line on 13 17 10.
This page was last updated on 26 August 2016