The ACT Government is committed to providing Canberrans with better ACTION bus services. Reviews have shown that while our bus drivers have a strong customer service focus, ACTION services can be greatly improved.

To achieve a public transport system for the 21st century, ACTION working conditions must also move into the 21st century. To facilitate this, we are in the process of developing a new agreement for ACTION staff.

How do these negotiations affect bus users?
The new agreement will enable ACTION to operate more efficiently. This will allow for an increased number of services for bus users, particularly during peak periods, more reliable weekend services, improved passenger information, and safer buses with fewer breakdowns.

What is the aim of the new agreement?
The new agreement aims to support the best and safest workplace for ACTION staff. It is designed to retain and attract a diverse workforce as well as provide increased opportunities for part-time staff.

The agreement will help ACTION provide a better bus network through more frequent and reliable services. It is aimed at delivering a sustainable transport service for the future of our city.

Will ACTION workers be disadvantaged by the new agreement?
No. None of the proposed changes are motivated by an intention to reduce pay, hours or jobs. ACTION workers will continue to have some of thee best working conditions and be among the best paid bus drivers in the country.

The ACT Government is committed to working with ACTION employees and the unions to reach an agreement as soon as possible that delivers the best outcome for staff, bus users and the wider Canberra community.

Source: ACTION Newspaper advert, May 2010.

This page was last updated on 24 May 2010

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