A new ACT Government campaign encouraging Canberrans to use Park & Ride and Bike & Ride facilities is being rolled out this week in an effort to boost public transport usage, Chief Minister and Minister for Transport Jon Stanhope said today.
Mr Stanhope said the Government wanted to educate the community on the benefits of the scheme which encourages drivers to catch a bus for part of their journey to work or school.
He said the campaign had a particular focus on boosting Bike & Ride users at the Mawson facility, which opened earlier this year along with a Park & Ride facility.
“The Park & Ride at Mawson is proving very popular with up to 75 of the 80 parking spaces used every weekday,” Mr Stanhope said. “However the 18 secure bike lockers are currently underutilised.
“The Government hopes to raise awareness of this great facility through this new campaign and educate Canberrans on how it can be accessed.”
The campaign will include a letter box drop to the suburbs surrounding Mawson, posters in cafes in Woden and the City and advertising on bus stop bollards. Back-of-bus advertising will be used on ACTION buses that service the Mawson bus stop.
Mr Stanhope said the Government was investing $4.1 million for new Park & Ride and Bike & Ride facilities over the next four years as part of a $97 million investment in improving the ACT’s transport network. New facilities at Mitchell (EPIC) and in Belconnen will be completed over the next 12 months.
“The Government will continue to invest in these facilities to boost public transport usage and reduce traffic congestion on our roads,” Mr Stanhope said.
There are 12 Park & Ride facilities in the ACT and Bike & Ride facilities are available at several locations
Three locations, the interchanges in Belconnen, Woden and Tuggeranong, require a permit for car parking, which is available for free with Adult Monthly, 4 Adult Weekly or 4 Adult 10 Ride Faresaver tickets.
Bike lockers in Mawson can be hired for free for six or 12 months through Canberra Connect by contacting 132281
This page was last updated on 29 July 2010