Get on board! On Sunday 18 December 2011, ACT Bus will be holding the latest in our series of transport-themed tours of the Canberra Region.

Whilst the last few tours have had a focus on buses in the capital region, this time we are taking a different direction and will be taking in a number of rail-related sites.

Sites on the itinerary include the Queanbeyan, Bungendore, Trago and Gunning Railway Stations as well as the Rail Heritage Museum at Goulburn.

The cost for the day is dependant on how many attend – please see our forum for further details. An additional entry fee is charged by the Rail Heritage Museum ($8 Adults, $5 Child (under 18) and Pensioners)

We look forward to seeing you on the day – please RSVP on our Facebook Event or Forum Thread.

This page was last updated on 26 April 2021

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