Media Release: Simon Corbell MLA

Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell, today released an update on the City to Gungahlin Transit Project, which is investigating light rail or bus rapid transit options for the busy corridor.

“The Government is considering a range of options that aim to take more people out of their cars and use public transport as well as cycle and walk down Northbourne Avenue and Flemington Road,” Mr Corbell said.

“Consideration is being given for people-friendly options that ensure the transit options fit in with land use, the public realm and other transport networks for this key transit corridor.

“This includes exploring how pedestrian and cyclist movement can be combined with transit and traffic options, and looking at making active street frontages a priority for Northbourne Avenue, reducing congestion and significantly improving travel times for public transport and car users.”

The corridor includes major residential, employment and retail areas and has high potential to see increased urban intensity to support – and be supported by – a higher quality transit service, either light rail or bus transit.

The Government is considering the possibility of light rail and bus transit accessing the Gungahlin Town Centre via Hibberson Street or a loop arrangement to Anthony Rolfe Avenue, closing Hibberson Street to car traffic.

The light rail or bus rapid transit stops would follow the same stopping pattern as the current Red Rapid, with additional stops to be considered for areas where there is high patronage potential.

The Flemington Road segment would likely have more widely spaced stops and higher travel speeds, while the higher density Northbourne Avenue section (particularly south of Antill St) could potentially have closer stop spacing, akin to a streetcar-like stopping pattern.

“The draft options show that another lane for mass transit could be added on the Northbourne Avenue segment of the corridor. Narrowing the median would allow segregated bi-directional cycle paths and separate shared paths to encourage more people to use this important boulevard,” Mr Corbell said.

“The Flemington Road alignment could use the space already reserved in the median, with single direction segregated pedestrian and cycle paths. Further work will continue to investigate key station locations at Dickson and Gungahlin Town Centres, building on the pedestrian focus of the master plans for both centres.”

The Government is currently finalising concept designs for the transit corridor including detailed engineering and economic analysis of the options and will be seeking community feedback in the early stages of 2012.

This page was last updated on 19 December 2011