Commuter Express routes were essentially the old versions of what we know now as “Xpresso” services.
Commuter Express routes only picked up and dropped of at designated bus stops (usually every second one), and did not pick up passengers once the service had departed its commencement point in the evening (generally City West). These routes did also not travel through any Interchanges, and ran at the same time as suburban routes. With Network 98, the Commuter Express routes were combined with the regular suburban routes in order to save one bus.
For example, instead of running a 710 Kambah Express to City at the same time as a 120 Tuggeranong-Woden via Kambah West, the services were combined into route 160, Tuggeranong-City via Kambah West and Woden. This also adds another intertown service during peak hour.
Commuter Express services cost twice the normal fare, and deducted two rides on multiple use tickets.
Commuter Express Routes
The following is a list of Commuter Express routes as of Network 97. They were replaced in 1998 by combining them with suburban routes, although in some areas there was no replacement service, and in others, several services were combined.
Route 710 – West Kambah to City, via Tuggeranong Parkway
Route 711 – East Kambah to City, via Tuggeranong Parkway
Route 712 – Theodore to City, via Calwell, Isabella Plains, Chisholm, Kingston, BArton & Russell
Route 713 – Theodore to City, via Calwell, Gilmore, Kingston, Barton & Russell
Route 714 – Banks to City, via Conder, Drakeford Dr & Tuggeranong Parkway
Route 715 – Gordon to City, via Drakeford Dr & Tuggeranong Parkway
Route 716 – Monash to City, via Gowrie
Route 717 – Macarthur to City, via Fadden & Wanniassa
Route 718 – Monash to Russell to City, via Gowrie, Fadden, Macarthur, Kingston & Barton
Route 720 – Waramanga to City, via Fisher, Chapman, Rivett & Cooleman Court
Route 721 – Rivett to City, via Duffy, Holder & Cooleman Court
Route 740 – Macgregor to City, via Southern Cross Dr, Kingsford Smith Dr & Belconnen Way
Route 741 – Fraser to City, via Tillyard Dr
Route 742 – Spence to City to Barton, via Evatt, McKellar and Northbourne Ave
Route 743 – Holt to City to Barton, via Higgins, Hawker and Weetangera
Route 750 – Nicholls to City, via Ngunnawal & Northbourne Ave
Route 751 – Harcourt Hill to City to Barton, via Ngunnawal, Amaroo & Northbourne Ave
This page was last updated on 5 August 2022