Due to the recent outbreaks of Covid-19 in other states, the ACT Government has announced two new precautionary measures which will affect public transport users in the region.

Firstly, commencing from Monday 28 June 2021, face masks are required to be worn at public transport waiting areas (stops, interchanges and stations), on board buses and trams and in indoor retail and business premises.

Exemptions apply, including children under 12 years old and where a health condition precludes the wearing of a mask.

Further information regarding the wearing of face masks is available from the ACT Government website.

The requirement to wear a face mask on public transport was rescinded on Friday 9 July 2021 at 11:59pm. ACT Health now encourages public transport users to continue to wear a mask, but this is no longer mandatory.

Secondly, the Check in CBR app is required to be used for all venues, regardless of the length of time visited, and from 15 July 2021 all use of public transport (buses, trams and taxis) by people aged 16 years and older will need to be recorded using the app.

The QR codes to be scanned will be made available inside buses and trams, making it easy to check in once passengers have boarded the vehicle. There will no need to check in at bus or tram stops, but a new check in is required for each individual vehicle, regardless of the length of the journey.

Passengers who do not have a smart phone or who are otherwise unable to use the app may still travel as registered MyWay cards will remain a supplementary means of contact tracing. Drivers will not provide assistance to check in.

Frequently asked questions

Will children and school travel need to check in on public transport?

Children under the age of 16 will not be required to check in, but parents are encouraged to do so on their behalf if travelling with them. Children aged 16 years and over should ensure they check in when travelling on the regular public transport network and on special school services.

Will Transport Canberra and CMET workforce need to check in on public transport?

Bus and light rail drivers will be required to check in once upon the commencement of their shift. They are to do so on the first vehicle they log onto at the start of their shift.

Public transport drivers will not be required to enforce use of Check in CBR by transport users.

Will people on special transport services need to check in?

Transport Canberra is working with ACT Health to obtain an exemption from check in requirements for flexible bus service, special needs transport service and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community bus service.

Passenger details are recorded at the time of booking and can be provided to ACT Health if required for contact tracing purposes. You do not need to check in to use any of these services.

Will people on the free Ginninderry bus service and airport COVID-19 vaccination clinic shuttles need to check in?

Customers are required to Check in using the Check in CBR codes on these buses, when they are made available.

These services will continue to be free and there is no requirement to tap on or off.

Will school excursions that charter bus services provided by Transport Canberra need to check in?

Transport Canberra is working with ACT Health to obtain an exemption from check in requirements for these services.

Students will not need to check in on these services. In the event contact tracing is required, Transport Canberra is able to assist ACT Health with booking details.

Will people on special event travel services need to check in?

People travelling on special event travel services will be required to check in using the Check in CBR codes on these buses, when they are made available.

Will people on charter bus services provided by QCity such as school excursions need to check in?

Transport Canberra/QCity buses have sought an exemption from ACT Health for these services.

Students will not need to check in on these services. In the event contact tracing is required, Transport Canberra/QCity buses are able to assist ACT Health with booking details.

Will people using event travel (eg Raiders and Brumbies games) need to check in?

People travelling on event travel services will be required to check in using the Check in CBR codes on these buses, when they are made available.

Do I need to check in if travelling in and out of the ACT on an interstate bus? (eg QCity, Transborder Express)

Cross-border bus services in the ACT will be required to register for and implement the use of the Check in CBR app when passengers are in the ACT.

Do other bus services in the ACT need to register for Check In CBR?

All bus services that operate in the ACT will be required to register for and implement the use of the Check in CBR app.

Transport Canberra is working with ACT Health on arrangements for interstate bus service that do not service routes in Canberra.

ACT Health is happy to work with private bus companies to support the roll out of QR codes on buses.

What do drivers that work for QCity/Murrays/Transborder Express etc need to do?

Bus drivers will be required to check in once upon the commencement of their shift. Public transport drivers will not be required to enforce use of Check in CBR by transport users.

Article includes information sourced from the Transport Canberra website.

Article updated 10 July 2021

This page was last updated on 27 August 2022

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