From Deane’s Buslines (DBL) website:
In an effort to encourage the ACT and Queanbeyan’s travelling public to hop onto buses and reduce congestion on our region’s roads, the ACT Government has lifted DBL’s pick-up/set-down restrictions in the ACT.
This trial means people can board the DBL 830 service in the ACT and get off in the ACT as well as in Queanbeyan. For example, ACT residents can board at Kingston and get off at Civic or Russell. ACT residents may board a DBL 830 at Kingston, Manuka, Barton (National Circuit) and Russell. Commencing on Monday 4 June 2012, this arrangement is currently in place for DBL’s 830 route service only.
For ACT residents who board a DBL 830 service anywhere for travel between Fyshwick and Civic (or vice versa), flat fares of $4.50 (one-way adult cash fare) and $2.50 (pensioners) apply. This is valid 7 days a week.
In a move similar to Australian domestic airlines, Deane’s has also introduced off-peak fares for NSW residents who board a DBL 830 service between 9:30am and 4:00pm on weekdays. Off-peak one-way adult cash fares will be capped at $6.00.
For example, if travelling QBN – Civic between 9:30am and 4:00pm:
People boarding at QBN will pay the normal ticket machine fare for travel to Kingston [$5.80 for adults]. For travel beyond Kingston, the maximum fare charged will be $6.00 between 9:30am and 4:00pm.
If travelling Civic – QBN between 9:30am and 4:00pm:
People boarding at Civic will pay the normal ticket machine fare for travel up to Fyshwick. For travel beyond Fyshwick, the maximum fare charged will be $6.00 between 9:30am and 4:00pm.
- There will be no change to existing concession fares.
- These special ACT and NSW Off-peak fares apply to adult cash fares only.
- DDC discounts are not applicable to these fares.
- Current weekend fares shall remain in place.
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This page was last updated on 5 August 2022