Remember it’s nine for night!

In 2005, ACTION trialled a new “area service” for the Weston Creek area, with two services, the 725 and the 727 replacing all Weston Creek suburban services after 7.30pm at night. Weston Creek was divided into two halves for this service, with one route serving each side.

Patrons wishing to travel in Weston Creek after 7.30pm, called the ACTION info line and nominated a pickup location. They were then given an approximate arrival time and the information was forwarded to the driver, who planned his or her route based on where pickups were required, and set-downs for the passengers catching the bus from the interchange.

This trial was successful, and the routes were later renumbered to 925 and 927, with the “9 For Night!” slogan being introduced to promote the service. Later in the year the system was renamed to Flexibus with the “9 for Night” slogan disappearing. New Flexibus routes were added for most other Canberra Suburbs. Route 300 was also changed so that after 8pm it ran via the Erindale Shopping Centre in order to provide a connection to Flexibus services which departed from there.

Suburbs that were deemed to have enough night-time patronage retained their regular services. These suburbs were Acton, Aranda, Barton, Bruce, Cook, Curtin, Deakin, Forrest, Fyshwick, Giralang, Griffith, Hughes, Kaleen, Kingston, Macquarie, Mitchell, Narrabundah, Parkes, Red Hill, Symonston and Yarralumla.

Flexibus Services
922 – Lyons/Phillip Business District/Chifley/Pearce/Torrens/Southlands
923 – O’Malley/Isaacs/Farrer/Mawson/Phillip residential/Southlands
925 – Duffy/Holder/Weston/Cooleman Court
927 – Waramanga/Fisher/Stirling/Chapman/Rivett/Cooleman Court
933 – Reid/Campbell/Russell/ADFA
935 – Turner/O’Connor/Lyneham/North Lyneham/Dickson shops
936 – Braddon/Ainslie/Dickson
938 – Hackett/Watson/Downer/Dickson Shops
943 – Page/Florey/Latham/Macgregor/Kippax Shops/Charnwood Shops
944 – Weetangera/Hawker/Scullin/Higgins/Holt/Kippax Shops
945 – McKellar/Evatt/Melba/Spence
946 – Flynn/Charnwood/Dunlop/Fraser/Charnwood Shops
955 – Amaroo/Ngunnawal/Harrison/Gungahlin Market Place
956 – Palmerston/Nicholls/Gungahlin Market Place/ Federation Square
960 – Kambah
964 – Oxley/Monash/Wanniassa/Erindale Centre
966 – Richardson/Gilmore/Chisholm/Erindale Centre/Calwell/ Chisholm Shops
967 – Gowrie/Fadden/Macarthur/Erindale Centre/Chisholm Shops
968 – Bonython/Gordon/Banks/Conder/Lanyon Market Place
969 – Theodore/Calwell/Isabella Plains/Calwell Shops

With the introduction of Network 06 on 4 December 2006, Flexibus was ditched, with fixed services again returning however in many areas these were simply loop services that ran through a number of suburbs. The night-time loops were later dumped under Network 2008 however as of December 2011 these loops still exist on weekends.

This page was last updated on 5 August 2022