Acting ACT Greens Transport spokesperson Caroline Le Couteur says the Park’n’Ride for Calwell shops is a simple but effective improvement to South Canberra’s transport system.

Greens member for Brindabella, Amanda Bresnan MLA, secured funding for a Park’n’Ride facility for Calwell through the Greens bids to the 2011-12 ACT Budget.

“South Tuggeranong residents are long overdue for an investment in public transport infrastructure that makes it easier to get to and from work,” Ms Le Couteur said.

“A Park’n’Ride in Calwell, along with a new REDEX-style direct service to the Parliamentary Triangle and Civic, would give families more transport options and boost the local economy and community.

“A Calwell Park and Ride would service a number of suburbs in the surrounding area, and be ideally located for people travelling to Canberra from regional New South Wales.

The Minister’s announcement confirming the facility comes a week after he announced the trial of 40km/h speed zones around selected shopping centres.

“The 40km/h speed zones around shopping centres is the fulfilment of a Greens/ALP Parliamentary Agreement item.

“We’re seeing a number of Greens initiatives having a positive difference on the ground, making transport safer and more accessible to more Canberrans,” Ms Le Couteur said.

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This page was last updated on 26 April 2021