Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, today opened a new $350,000 park and ride facility in Gungahlin that will improve transport options to north Canberra residents ahead of the introduction of Network 14, and also provide parking close to future light rail facilities.

“The new Park and Ride facility in Gungahlin includes 345 parking spaces conveniently located near bus stops on Valley Avenue and Hibberson Street and future light rail facilities in the area,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“The Red Rapid bus routes currently service the area every 10 minutes during the peak period and every 15 minutes during the off-peak. This will be improved to every 5 minutes during the peak period with the introduction of Network 14

“This new facility will allow Gungahlin residents to combine vehicle use with bus travel to give patrons a quick and hassle free trip to Canberra’s busy town centres while saving them money and the stress of finding a car park in town. It is also been located a short walk from the future light rail network.

“Park and ride facilities and bike and ride facilities (which allow users to combine cycling with bus travel), are some of the great initiatives the ACT Government has embraced to encourage people to utilise public transport.

“The ACT Government is committed to providing Canberra with better public transport options and to reducing congestion on the road network.

“The new Gungahlin park and ride facility is the 16th facility provided in Canberra, which further demonstrates the government’s commitment to sustainable transport options.

“I encourage residents of Gungahlin to make use the facility by parking their car for free and catching a bus for the rest of their journey. The new facility will be a permanent park and ride car park, which will be available to the public for parking outside of working hours.”

Media Release: Shane Rattenbury 8 August 2014

This page was last updated on 8 August 2014