Election Announcement: Alistair Coe (Liberal)
ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and ACT Shadow Transport Services Minister Alistair Coe announced today that if elected, a Canberra Liberals Government will improve the public transport system through free shuttle services and looking at intelligent transport systems. Mr Seselja said the Canberra Liberals are committed to improving the ACTION service for Canberrans.
“The Canberra Liberals want to give the community a better public transport system,” Mr Seselja said.
“That’s why, if elected, we will focus on getting the basics of public transport right. This would involve:
- $3 million for a 12-month trial of a free shuttle service in the Belconnen, Tuggeranong and Gungahlin to feed into rapid bus lines
- Conducting a study on intelligent transport systems such as the use and collection of real-time commuter information and driver guidance systems.
“This plan is part of our commitment to give Canberrans a more reliable and value-for-money service. It’s the start of many more transport commitments,´ Mr Seselja concluded.
Mr Coe said every Canberra household is now forking out $691 for ACTION every year.
“For this price, taxpayers should be getting one of the best public transport services in the world,” Mr Coe said.
“But instead, they’re getting one of the worst.
“We view the ACT community as a shareholder in ACTION and want to ensure they receive the public transport system they pay for and deserve,” Mr Coe concluded.
This page was last updated on 4 September 2012