Media Release: Simon Corbell MLA

Options to expand popular ‘park and ride’ and ‘bike and ride’ facilities across the ACT are on the agenda, with Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell, announcing a list of possible new sites today.

“It is exciting to be able to reveal this list of potential sites that could see more Canberrans using facilities that have already proven popular in other parts of the city and I look forward to the views of the community about which sites should be selected,” Mr Corbell said.

“We have identified several locations throughout Canberra where we could build convenient facilities where commuters can safely leave their cars and/or bikes before getting on a bus, but we need to know what the community thinks of them and whether they would use them.

“The facilities are part of the Government’s Transport for Canberra policy which is designed to provide a more effective and efficient transport system that meets the needs of the community while reducing the environmental and social impacts of transport.”

The proposed new sites include:

Park and Ride facilities

  •  Canberra Avenue corridor
  • Gungahlin Town Centre
  • Belconnen North (Charnwood)
  • Athllon Drive Wanniassa
  • Yarra Glen Curtin


Bike and Ride facilities


  • Canberra Avenue corridor
  • Wentworth Avenue corridor
  • Gungahlin Town Centre\
  • Gundaroo Drive corridor
  • Tuggeranong Town Centre
  • Cooleman Court Weston Creek


Mr Corbell said it was crucial that the government continue to work to create a reliable and efficient public transport system.

“It is the ACT Labor Government that is progressing detailed plans and taking action to make our public transport network what the community expects, and these important new sites for ‘park and ride’ and ‘bike and ride’ are crucial to link to new high frequency services into town and group centres,” Mr Corbell said.

The Government has invested $4.1m for Park and Ride and $700,000 for Bike and Ride to implement facilities from 2010 to 2014.

Consultation begins on 23 March 2012 for 6 weeks. For more information and to comment on the different sites, visit

This page was last updated on 26 April 2021