A seven-day bus timetable and increased frequency of bus services on both suburban and main transport corridors are the centrepiece of a new Transport for Canberra Strategy, launched today by Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher and Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell.
“The Transport for Canberra Strategy demonstrates how the ACT Labor Government intends to meet the challenges of a growing city and deliver major improvements in the way Canberrans get around our city in a sustainable way,” the Chief Minister said.
“The key aims of this document are to reduce congestion on our roads and increase patronage on public transport networks to reduce carbon emissions and become a more sustainable city into the future,” the Chief Minister said.
“A new seven-day timetable structure that moves away from the weekday/weekend timetable and has a consistent and reliable bus network that can be trusted every day of the week is crucial to building community confidence and therefore increasing patronage on public transport,” Mr Corbell said.
“We also need to ensure that buses operating within this timetable structure will be frequent enough that people can get around the city in a timely and efficient way and also integrate quickly between regular suburban services to buses that transit between town and group centres.”
The key features of the Transport for Canberra Strategy include:
- § 15 minute frequency public transport on the Frequent Network;
- § 30 minute frequency public transport services within a 5-10 minute walk of everyone by 2021;
- § public transport infrastructure: transitways, stations, park and ride and mass transit options like light rail or rapid bus transit;
- § cycling and walking supported by a more compact city through integration of transport and land use planning;
- § increasing public transport, walking and cycling to 23% of work trips by 2016; and,
- § ring roads for traffic that integrate with central road corridors for public transport.
The ACT Labor Government is continuing to deliver strong investments in transport for Canberra’s future with new and improved bus stops and cycling routes around the Territory including:
- 600 upgraded stops by the end of 2012;
- 12 major new stops at high patron locations by the end of 2012 and 8 additional stops by mid 2013;
- A very large ‘Rapid’ bus stop to be constructed at the ANU Exchange; and,
- 30km of new cycle paths across the ACT.
The Government has announced consultation on five new potential sites for bike and ride facilities across Canberra as well as six new potential sites for park and ride facilities which will supplement many popular facilities already being highly utilised by Canberrans.
The Chief Minister said that the ACT Government had listened to the views of the community throughout the consultation period of the draft Transport for Canberra Strategy.
“We are listening to the community so we can build a better, more vibrant city and it is great to see so many Canberrans having their say on how they want to ACT Transport system to work in the future. The ACT Labor Government has taken these views on board and are incorporated into the final Strategy.
“The ACT Labor Government has already invested over $1 billion in the transport system in the past 10 years, with over $120 million committed during 2011-12 and this document clearly maps out how we will get more Canberrans using public transport,” the Chief Minister said.
Mr Corbell said it was important to note that this was a long term strategy which would be rolled out progressively over the next 6-8 years, ensuring that all measures were implemented properly and wholistically.
“Further future investments will also be required and the Government will evaluate funding to roll out the features of this strategy in future budgets,” he said.
“The ACT Labor Government’s vision is that our city be recognised throughout the world as a truly sustainable and creative city and the Transport for Canberra is a key part of achieving that- creating a cleaner, more liveable, more accessible, more active and safer environment.”
This page was last updated on 20 March 2012