Media Release: Simon Corbell MLA, 21 July 2012

Residents in Weston Creek are being urged to provide input on issues including public transport links, urban amenity and car parking for the future of the Weston Group Centre, which will form the basis for the upcoming draft master plan, Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell said today.

“I am pleased today to release publicly the government’s latest ideas on how the Weston group centre will evolve into the next few decades, and this is an important part in the process where residents get to have their say on what they want in their community as it develops,” Mr Corbell said.

“The ACT Government wants to maintain the group centre’s role as a vibrant and safe community hub while managing an increasing demand for public transport, and how that integrates with existing car use, as well as local retail and residential developments.

“We know that there will be additional demand on the group centre in coming years, and that will be the key focus in planning future development of the centre, particularly with reliance on public transport as well as car parking availability at the centre.”

“The Weston Group Centre, at the heart of Weston Creek, is serviced well by arterial roads and shared paths for commuter cyclists and the government will look to use these opportunities to provide better transport options for residents.”

Mr Corbell said the community’s knowledge about the centre and ideas for its future were important as the draft master plan was developed.

“This is the next step in a detailed process where the local community who have helped to make Weston Creek and surrounds what it is today, will continue to shape the way it evolves into the future,” he said.

“This phase of the process will inform a draft master plan to be released in early 2013 which will be subject to future consultation by government.”

Community displays will be available on Saturday 21 July from 10am to 2pm and Saturday 25 August from 10am to 2pm on the ground floor at Cooleman Court. A display will also be available at Woden library as well as the Weston Creek Community Centre (Parkinson Street adjacent Cooleman Court) from Monday 23 July to Friday 31 August.

For full details about the community consultation visit

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