Media Release: Chris Steel MLA, 24 March 2020
The ACT Government will delay the rollout of the Network 19 update that was due to be implemented at the start of Term 2, and begin a range of measures to ensure the safety of staff and the community.
“Canberrans are experiencing significant changes to daily routines as a result of COVID-19. Our focus must be on trying maintain services as far as possible and not creating confusion during this time by changing the bus timetable,” Minister for Transport Chris Steel said.
“Transport Canberra will continue to operate the current bus and light rail timetable for the time being, with contingencies prepared should there be a need to reduce services due to COVID-19. We will implement the Network 19 update at an appropriate time in the future.
“While bus and light rail services are continuing we are urging the community to only use them if absolutely necessary.
“Public transport services are essential for many in our community to get to the shops, to appointments or to work in essential services themselves.
“What we’re asking Canberrans to do is consider carefully their need for non-essential travel on public transport, to minimise unnecessary contact with other people.
“Canberrans should not use public transport if they feel unwell. If you have COVID-19 symptoms and have no other means of transport to get to a centre for testing, please contact Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 to arrange alternative travel.”
Commencing today the following changes are also in effect on buses in the interest of community and driver safety:
No cash – drivers will no longer be accepting cash until further notice. This is to avoid unnecessary close interactions with the driver. Please use MyWay or pre-purchased tickets from ticket vending machines.
Use of rear doors – customers are to enter and exit the bus via the rear doors at all stops unless you require the front doors for low floor access.
Closure of front seats – the front seats of the bus will temporarily be closed off, providing more space between our drivers and customers.
For more information please visit
This page was last updated on 24 April 2021