Media Release – Shane Rattenbury MLA

Information on new school bus services and regular routes that services schools under ACTION’s Network 14 is now available to the public, Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, said today.

“We recognise that the new ACTION network will see changes for most school students when it is introduced on Monday 1 September, so we’re providing four weeks’ notice to students and their parents to let them prepare for the new timetable and services,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“Over the past 12 months ACTION reviewed all school services and school service patronage within the current network. For Network 14 some school services are unchanged, some have been redesigned or merged and some have been replaced by regular route services to increase network efficiency and reinvest resources into peak network services. In addition, it was identified that approximately 59% of school student boardings were on regular route services, with just 41% on dedicated school services.

“The ACTION website now has details of the services for each school and an information package is being sent to all local schools. A dedicated phone line (6205 5033) has also been established until Friday, September 12 to handle enquiries and information sessions will be offered to the schools most impacted by the changes.

Mr Rattenbury said that Network 14, which has been developed utilising patronage data from the MyWay system, will provide more direct routes, better connections and increased frequency on both weekday and weekend services.

“Standard weekday trips have increased by almost 10%, while Saturday’s trips have increased by 18% and Sunday’s trips have increased by 31%.

“A number of areas of Canberra will have enhanced services including Molonglo, Gungahlin, Weston Creek, the Parliamentary Triangle, Hume, Brindabella Park and Majura Park, and there will also be greater alignment between the weekday and weekend services.

“Advertising of the new school services commences this week before the entire Network 14 information is made available on Monday 18 August. This will include information on board buses and at major bus stops and bus stations, radio, print and online advertising and stakeholder notification. ACTION staff will also be on hand to answer any questions.

“Timetables and maps of the new routes will also be available from the ACTION website –– from Monday 18 August and bus books will be available for those without access to ACTION’s online journey planning tools.”

This page was last updated on 26 April 2021