Media Release: Territory and Municipal Services directorate

Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) announced today changes to MyWay operations following an external review of existing arrangements.

“TAMS will introduce 10 additional reload agents across Canberra to improve access to MyWay facilities for bus patrons,” said Paul Peters, Executive Director, Roads and Public Transport. “This means there will be 28 reload agents as well as the Canberra Connect Shopfronts and website which can handle MyWay transactions.

“Reload providers sell new and replacement MyWay cards (standard and student) and allow bus patrons to top up all MyWay smartcards.

“We will also introduce a revised concession entitlement process later this year to allow the reload agents to process all student and pensioner concessions. These concessions have previously needed to be arranged at a MyWay centre in Civic or Belconnen or from a Canberra Connect shopfront.

“Due to these changes, the two MyWay centres at Civic and Belconnen will be closed from 28 June 2013. Of the 10 new agents three will be located in the city area, with the remaining at Gungahlin, Wanniassa, Hawker, Reid CIT, Kingston, Calwell and Chisholm. A replacement agent will also open at the Tuggeranong Hyperdome after the recent closure of a previous agent facility.

“These changes will bring efficiencies saving the ACT Government about $500,000 per year. The increase in agent facilities will improve access to the MyWay cards with agents being open extended hours up to seven days per week.”

Mr Peters said that to help ensure that people have ready access to the MyWay system further improvements are being considered that may include the installation of MyWay add value machines at bus stations as well as autoload (direct debit) via credit card accounts.

For more information on MyWay, including a list of the reload agent locations, visit or call 13 17 10.

This page was last updated on 12 June 2023