Since 2005, ACT Bus has been building up a wealth of information on the past, present and future of Canberra’s ACTION Buses and Canberra Metro in order to provide an in-depth online resource of all things Transport Canberra

Our Wiki features individual articles on all current buses and hundreds of retired vehicles, whilst our Gallery contains thousands of photographs of ACTION’s past and current bus fleet, together with memorabilia, infrastructure, timetables and more.

This has been a collaborative effort and we offer our sincere thanks to those who have provided information, images, articles and knowledge to help us build the site. But there is always more to do.

So we are putting the call out – if you’ve got anything ACTION related laying around the place and can scan them in, If you’re got articles or images on your computer that we can use on our site, if you’ve got a great recollection of any particular event – fill in our contact form

Your contributions will greatly assist us in providing a comprehensive website now and into the future.

This page was last updated on 26 April 2021

Categories: About Us